Thats easy

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"So I'm going to take you around to your average Tuesday classes" Emma said as she closed locker. "And then near the end you get a free period and that's when you have to talk to the principle"

Emma was a very nice girl, very smart and beautiful.

"So Emma what do you want to do in life?" I questioned looking at my watch.

"Um I want to change the world, I want be someone people were inspired by, I want to help people in a political way" she said facing me as we walked the long hallway.

"What about you?" She asked.

What about me? Everyone in my family seem to know what there doing. Rosalind my older sister, Lise my twin, Lise skipped a year because she is very smart so this was the time she gets ready for university. she signed up for a scholarship to university then and got an apprenticeship. But what am I doing with my life?

"Tess, Tess" Emma said while waving her hands in front of my face.

"Sorry, I don't know" I apologised. Was I really this clueless when it came to what I was doing with my life.

I know a lot of things what's 8➖1✖️0➕2➗2=9 proof look it up.

What was the name of the group of ladies that allowed females to vote? That's easy The Suffregets.

It's killing me that I don't know the answer to this question, but the hardest part would be not ever knowing, because this question is vital, it's one of the biggest choices I would need to choose in my life.

"This is your first class for Tuesday I'm not in many of your classes but Mr McGrath let me, just so I can help you around"

"Thank you what is the subject?"

"History" she said and opened the door for me to come in.

"Why hello, you must be the student who will be visiting us for the day, I'm Miss Simmons and welcome to Riverton Private College we are doing history" a lady in her early 30's said. She was quite pretty she was tall with golden curly hair. She reminded me of Liesel from the book thief.

"Would you please write your name on the board?" she asked, but in a way she commanded.

I nodded and walked over to the white board. I don't quite like speaking to adults that I don't know. I get nervous and I fidget with my hands or play with my ear lobes.

I picked up a blue marker and wrote my name on the board.

"hello my name is Tesla Reed" I said and looked at the teacher in wonder for what to do next.

"Well it's nice to meet you Tesla please can you sit over there." she said pointing to an empty two people desk.

By the look of the way the class is set out it looks like it's boy, girl, boy, girl which means that the teacher most likely happened to get so annoyed one day about how load the class was that she must of had to make them sit next to the opposite gender. this must mean that the class is very loud and

As soon as I sat on the desk the boy with the muddy blonde hair walked through the door.

"Isaac Parkes nice of you to join us" the lady said and then continued to talk to Emma probably about why she's here.

Isaac looked my way then gave me a smirk. why does the main character always get bad luck.

He came up to my desk and sat down. That's most likely why it was an empty desk. It was his desk.

When he sat down he was so close to me. our chair was approximately 2 or 3 centimetres apart.

I stood there stiff as a flashback came into my mind of this morning.

"Hey love, nice to see you again" he said still having that stupid (but really cute) smirk on his face.

I still couldn't move I was like a reptile playing dead, hoping to not get noticed. I felt so.... vulnerable. I hated it.

"So love, what's your name?" I nodded my head towards the board.

"Tesla Reed, what kind of name is that" his words were like venom. For the first time in my life I hated the sound of my own name.

"Your obviously not very smart" I said getting quite annoyed.

"Oh so she speaks. so love tell me how did you enjoy the kiss?" he said leaning again a bit closer.

"Are you actually this stupid or are you possessed by a retarded ghost" I said with a smirk growing on my face. Why is there so much smirking?!

"Well maybe it's just because your a-"

"1963, I have a dream" the teacher said cutting Isaac off before he finished his sentence.

"Who was that?" The teacher added. a couple of hands went up I wasn't so sure if I was aloud to say the answer or not. Oh well. I put my hand up although the teacher probably won't pick me.

"Tesla" she said pointing to me. I guess I was wrong she did pick me.

"Martin Luther King. jr." a person cut me off just when when I was about to say the exact same thing.

Comment and vote please I want to know what you think. 3/3/2015

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