The Confession

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Ranboo's POV

Me and y/n have been best friends since we were only 4, were 15 now, and I've liked y/n more than a friend for around 3 years now, I finally got the courage to confess to them at school today.

*When ranboo woke up*
I woke up tired as fuck, I barely got any sleep during the weekend bc I was up doing homework to catch up on my school work, and I was late for the bus, so I quickly got ready and ran outside to the bus stop, I see y/n standing there and y/n says to me "RANBOO!! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG" "sorry!" I say panting "are you okay?" y/n says in a bit of a concerned voice "yeah I'm fine, just tired" I say as I take a breathe to get ready to confess to her but then the bus arrives "GOD DAMN IT" I accidentally yell out "you okay?" y/n says to me "sorry.. I'm okay I guess" y/n and I get on the bus and then I realized I can just confess to her on the bus, and so I say "hey can I tell you something?" I say breathing heavily "sure what's up? Wait actually let me go first" y/n says the last bit in a pretty low tone.. I thought she was gonna say she has a boyfriend but she says "so..I don't know how to say this but.. I'm moving away next week.." y/n starts crying and so do I.. "anyways uhm what was it that you were gonna tell me?" y/n says wiping her tears as I start to calm down "forget about it it's nothing"

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