Chapter 3 - Stop Denying

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I'm sorry.....




"Everything's going to be fine!"

Terrence woke up in a panic, startled by his surroundings, but soon remembered where he was.

He felt something on him and looked down to find a blanket.

"You started shivering in your sleep."

Terrence looked up, and saw Leonardo standing in the doorway with a teacup in his hand.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he walked over to his patient, handing him the cup of tea.

"I'm fine." He answered as he slowly sat up, taking the ceramic cup from the other male's hand.

He took a couple of sips, the surprising pleasantness of the drink helping to settle down his adrenaline, before he spoke.

"How long was I out for?"

"About 2 hours."

"Oh..... Sorry...."

"There's no need to be." He said as he sat down next to Terrence.

"Guess I was sick." Terrence muttered before taking another sip.

"I'm sorry, what?" Leonardo asked.

"Oh, I was just thinking I must have had a severe fever without knowing to just knock out like that all of a sudden."

Leonardo held back a chuckle.

"That seems to be highly unlikely, otherwise I'm sure you would have told me that you felt sick, or that it was extremely hot, but you didn't."

"Oh, then, maybe I just knocked out from extreme exhaustion, I have been getting pretty bad nights recently." Terrence quickly said.

Leonardo let out a tired sigh.

"Please, don't start denying it."

"Denying what?"

"I'm pretty sure we both know that you passed out when the subject of your brother's death-"

Leonardo was interrupted by the loud sound of ceramic breaking onto the floor, the tea spilling all over, and staining his carpet's edges a bit.

Terrence frantically got up and rushed to the front door. He was about to open it when a strong grip wrapped around his wrist.

"LET GO!" Terrence screamed.

"I'M FUC*ING FINE! This whole thing was so fuc*ing stupid! I don't even know why I came!"

"It's because you need help." Leonardo said in a calm manner.

Terrence freed his wrist from the man's grasp, opened the front door, and was once again rushing to his car.

Leonardo could only watch as the man frantically drove off, praying that he would be careful on the road.

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