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Tommy Innit
loud, charismatic, gamer, surprisingly good grades

Tubbo Underscore
quieter, but chaotic, music kid, pit orchestra, grades depend on class

Ranboo Says-Stuff
quiet, sarcastic, stage crew, volleyball player, good grades

Purpled Bedwars
sarcastic, soccer player, great grades/advanced classes


Niki Nihachu
sweetheart, choir kid, student council secretary, okay grades

Jack Manifold
was quiet in middle school but got loud, student council treasurer, okay grades

Quackity H.Q.
loud, troublemaker, hockey player, surprisingly good grades

Sapittus Nappitus
funny, orchestra kid, hockey player, okay grades

Ant Frost
procrastinator, president of environmental club, okay grades

Red Velvet
does not care about school, vp of environmental club, bad grades


Karl Jacobs
everyone knows and loves him, super nice, hockey play, student council vice president, okay grades

Dream Wastaken
well-known, loud in class, good grades/advanced classes, hockey team captain

George Notfound
pretty boy, resident "nerd friend" of hockey team, hockey player, good grades

Techno Blade
quiet, definitely going to be valedictorian, good grades/advanced classes, hangs out with music kids but doesn't play an instrument

Fundy Live
nice, lowkey annoying in the hallway, band kid, good grades

Eret The
known for being the helpful friendly kid, theater kid, okay grades

Foolish Gamers
complete himbo, football player, bad grades but could do better if he tried - just doesn't care

Hannah Rose Bedwars
purpled's older sister, popular, art kid, good grades, field hockey player


Wilbur Soot
theater kid- honorary senior of schook musical, grades depend on classes, president of creative writing club, jazz band member

Bad B. Halo
super nice, good grades, gullible, president of community service club, class speaker at graduation

Skeppy Skep
soccer player, prankster, class clown, bad grades

A. Sam Dude
super nice, foolish's childhood best friend, founder of tech club, good grades

H. Bomb
friendly, good kid, runs school news, okay grades

Punz Oh
football team captain, okay grades

Cara "Captain" Puffy
friendly, likes to "adopt" underclassmen, student council president, field hockey player


Mr. Minecraft
principal, chill but distant

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