episode 2

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Ah, yes. The first day of school assembly. Because why should you actually go to periods 2-4 on the first day when you could go to the auditorium and hear the same shit they say every year?

Most of the student body was already settled in their seats, but a certain group was just now walking in, having decided to meet up outside the choir room before the assembly.

Wilbur led Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Niki, and Jack in through the back of the auditorium. They slipped into the back row as Tommy complained that he had  wanted to sit up front and listen, since he was a freshman and this was new to him.

"Wait, look!" Jack suddenly exclaimed, causing the group to stop in their tracks. "Isn't that the kid who's sister went missing?" He discreetly nodded his head towards a kid in a purple hoodie who sat about five rows ahead of them. Luckily, everyone was still talking, so it was too loud for him to hear them.

Wilbur saw Tommy's face falter a bit. The boy in question was named Purpled, and he was in Tommy's grade. The pair had never hung out much outside of school, but they'd worked on a lot of projects together and got along well. It was a shock for the whole town when Hannah went missing a few weeks ago. There were no leads, no clues, nothing. She vanished without a trace.

"I hadn't him expected to come right back to school," Tubbo said quizzically.

"I guess he just wanted something to make life feel normal again," Niki shrugged. Ranboo hummed in agreement.

"GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!" A voice echoed from the microphone. The noise of chattering students died down and everyone directed their attention to the stage at the front of the auditorium, where Principal Minecraft stood smiling. 

"Good morning! Welcome, students, to another school year at Simon Pixel High! I am happy to see you all here today!"

Wilbur glanced over at his cousin, who was sat next to him. Tommy's eyes were glued to the principal, listening intently. Wilbur smiled despite himself- he knew how excited the kid was for high school. He'd been the same as a freshman, excited for life to be like it was in the movies. Hopeful.

That's not really how life goes, though. Wilbur found that out in sophomore year. But luckily, he'd grown and matured a lot from that realization. Now, going into his senior year, he was ready to enjoy his last year of highschool as the mess it truly was.

Wilbur zoned back into Principal Minecraft's speech.

"...and Dream and the ice hockey team would like me to remind you that tryouts will be early this year, and to be ready for the ice by the end of october. All are welcome to try out for the team, which is returning after an undefeated season!"

A group of students near the middle of the auditorium started cheering and whooping in their seats. A lot of other people joined in clapping as the hockey team laughed and shoved eachother around a bit. Wilbur could see Dream in the middle of it, messing around with Quackity and their other friends. Wilbur actually quite liked the hockey team. He knew Quackity pretty well, and the rest of the team actually seemed friendly. They were total jocks, but also down to earth. Much unlike the football team, for example. There were only a few decent kids on the team. Wilbur could only think of two members he actually cared for off the top of his head- Foolish and Punz. He didn't know either of them well, though.

"And now, a message from your student council president, Captain Puffy," Principal Minecraft announced as a short senior with bouncy brown hair and a red jacket made her way to the stage. The kids clapped and Jack and Niki whistled as Puffy was handed the mic and waved to her classmates.

"Hello everyone! I just wanted to announce that the annual club fair will take place next week in the quad during lunch periods, so any new club proposals need to be submitted by tomorrow so they can be approved in time!"

"Did Sam turn in his paperwork?" Wilbur whispered to Niki, curious about the state of this new 'tech club'.

"Yep," Niki nodded.

Wilbur allowed himself to zone out for the rest of the assembly, knowing that nothing would be said that he hadn't heard every other year. He was mostly just excited to get to fifth period- he had geography class.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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