More detailed info of me

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Hey it's yn and this is my life as yn 😩. Tbh idk what to say for an intro im half Costa Rican/mexican/Italian I'm from my momma vagina nah well yea kinda but I'm from New Jersey but moved to Cali then moved back here my home town or place wtv 😐 and here's how I met each of my friends ig

Here's how I met Kai, Tia, N Ale****
Basically our moms are very close 😀 but yea kai is like my ride or die and ale is like my brother and tia is a meanie 👐🏼 good day***

Alvaro and roshaun and Robert***
I met them from the boys****

***Vic and tay*** from cheer***

Things I like doing are skating, volleyball, soccer, Omegle, styling outfts, and yea oh and hanging with friends and families 😮!!!
And these are just like some clips of my life :) and this also can be the boys perspective too!!

My family is at a wealthy stage we're we have enough for enough things we want because my parents are entrepreneurs my mom is a blogger n models for like Instagram pics so shes well shes verified on a lot of social media she shares alot of recipes too thats y or wtv and I blog videos of me too and do photography model thingy too like my mom but im verified on both 👅  i also play volley ball n a bit of soccer oh wiat i alr said that 😵and my dad does real estate he also does fightin but ye

My mom is 33 and my dad is 34 um their short little story of how they met were arranged marriage or wtv and I'm 17 and a half I have a two older brothers marco and manual age 18 very very protective and I have two younger sisters Isabela age 14 and a half and and the smallest out of the fam is Aubrey age 4 our last names are definitely not the same the boys are Romero and girls are are Romero-Valentina 😩
I think that's it for the intro 😐

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