1. Darkness Meets Light

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I stare at the beautiful view that surrounds me. Blossom-filled trees, wind that blows soothingly, like music to my ears.
I've been so stubborn since my father had told me that we had to move to Korea, and I've been so busy looking at all the possible disadvantages, that I never even took a glimpse of the advantages. Well, to be frank, there isn't much good compared to the bad, but, I guess that's life.

My life is not very grand, nor bronze, I guess it's what you call 'average.' But being near nature makes up for all the existing troubles and hindrances. Seeing the trees sway, observing the natural flow of the river, watching tears fall from the heavens. We are all surrounded by beauty with such delicacy and fragrance but us humans, tend to ignore their presence and what value they give us. It provides a home to creatures, living their life just like us. But, being the selfish, spoilt brats we are, we tend to ignore that fact.

Instead, we focus on our style of living, focusing on developing the newest style of technology, but, there is something more important.

World peace.

What we are doing to nature is a pure reflection of what we are doing to one another. I tend to think that humans and nature are very much alike. It may sound wrong, but in my perspective, we are just the same. Both, so very delicate, and beautiful in their own ways. We serve a purpose to one another, to help one another. For example, we water the crops and trees. In return, nature supplies us with food and oxygen.

Well, it's definitely a fair trade.

A loud, fizzy noise stops my deep thinking, and like all humans would, I got curious. I get up for a closer look, and I see trees getting cleared and chopped down, which makes me fume in anger. I despise people who clear nature. Even if its for the best, but what do we achieve? Only paper. And maybe some land, of course.

I feel a sudden need to stop them, and so I do. With that, I get up and approach the person who was, supposedly, making the noise.

And then I see it. A tall, pale figure, hammering his axe onto a precious, delicate tree. Little bits of pieces of bark come off, revealing its true colours. I could read words carved deeply into the roots, and I could see quite clearly that this was an old and experienced type of tree, used to what the Earth could offer. I get frustrated by the fact that I was witnessing one's death, but get this: think of the perspective of the person who planted this tree. Most likely, they're dead, considering the fact that this tree looks horrendously old. But if you picture, perhaps, a little girl going out into a big fat bunch of green land, interested to plant a tree, well, what do you expect? The girl would be excited, of course. She'll probably be thinking: 'oh wow! This tree is going to grow and get so big!'

But what do you think she'll feel about when she hears that some anonymous person will chop down the tree, turn it into paper, scribble on it, and chuck it in the bin? They say that tree's are for the future, but what will happen when the end of the world comes, and everything will be demolished? See, there's just too many contradicting sayings that affect our everyday lives. Whether it'd be about work, love, nature, it's going to inspire you somehow, but if you think more deeply about it, a piece of the puzzle seems to be missing. For instance, one of my mother's colleagues told me that she could sum up life in three words. 'It goes on.'


Life does not go on, you are not going to live forever. Sure, when its time you might spend the rest of your life at Heaven, but you are not going to 'live life' at heaven. Life at Heaven and Earth are very different things; 'life' at Earth is not perfect, it's very faulty and hard. Meanwhile in Heaven, life is perfect. In fact, the word 'life' would be an understatement. In Heaven, there are no tears, no sorrow, no hunger.

But that's not the point.

My point is, maybe you should let the tree live a little longer. I mean, it's going to demolished in the end, but maybe you should let it, I don't know, live?

The boy-whose-name-is-yet-to-be-revealed waves his hand in my face and I snap back to my senses. "Hello?"

"Hi?" I say, dumbfounded. "Who are you?"

"Well, my name is Jung Kook. There was something you wanted to say to me, but I couldn't quite fetch it. Can you say it again?"

"Um," I began. "Say what again?"

"What you said earlier."

"What did I say earlier?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you."

"Well," I pause. "Trees."


"You should stop chopping down the trees."

"But, I'm a lumberjack. I thought it was obvious?"

"Oh.." I breathe. Think of a good comeback, Jieun.

"Oh, well, you are damaging the environment, despite your income-"

"Your point?" he questions, oxygen coming out from his mouth.

"Well, I'm just saying-"

"Saying what?"

"Will you stop cutting me off?!" I shout hesitantly, as he continues to chop of the trees delicate colours. "Stop, please!" I scream.

He ceases, sighing. "Well, you're going to have to come up with a very good reason."

"Well, um, about that..." I hesitate.

He smiles radiantly, picking up his axe. "It was nice to meet you." he says, before walking off into the distance.


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