a/n - please interact

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hi everyone!

so this story is going to be quite different to anything i've done before and i'm honestly quite nervous to see how it'll be received by you guys.

this is a new project of mine and it'll be my new baby, much like how 'i love you' was my baby when i was writing it.

it's safe to say that main chapters won't be posted until the summer because of uni exams and inevitable resits, however this will give you all a chance to give me your initial thoughts and make sure this story is added to your library / reading lists.

this book will involve darker themes than what you may be used to from me. it is an au so character details may vary to fit the plot, however i'll try and keep it as similar to irl personalities.

some key details that i'll reiterate here: none of the characters featured are f1 drivers, careers will be revealed through the story; this book will be around 20 chapters (hopefully); expect the description and first chapter to change bc i hate it (if you can suggest better, i'm all ears).

would you like this book to be written in third person, first person (ember) or first person (daniel)? please let me know as your opinion really matters! i might publish another chapter just as an extra taste of this book but i need to know the pov. it's all planned out and won't take long to write.

this chapter will be deleted when chapters start to be published.

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