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Ade passed out on the beach when her eyes turned black and woke up in a foreign city "where the hell am I?" She shouted
Oreggi laughed "welcome to hell"
Ade screamed and fainted hoping it was a nightmare!
It was evening Oreggi was standing over ade "you done screaming? No one can hear you!"
Marizo laughed "come on now child of Santos brother"
Ade "what? Santos was my uncle ?!?"
Oreggi"yes and guess what I'm your blood, well technically twice removed uncle"
Ade "who's my father? This is confusing"
Oreggi "Get up, this instance! It's time your real training begins."
Ade screamed "What do you want with me?"
Oreggi "To unlock your true potential, you are the darkness to help me create a world filled with torment and power! We can create the darkest void no one can touch us not even Tebe! Immortality is mine!"
Ade "Never!"
Oreggi "You will learn to obey me, Girl. I can destroy the witches if your not careful" he laughs

Meanwhile back at the castle, it's been 48 hrs since Leptis left to find Ade. Tebe was getting very anxious wishing she could go and protect her prized precious, it's been hard letting Leptis go especially after nearly dying at the fire stake.
Every night Tebe uses her magic to track Leptis in case anything happens. So far everything was fine nothing for Tebe to worry about just Luxor constantly asking questions and pers being awfully quiet sneaking around. Cersai did what she was told and so far taught Luxor how to use a bow properly. Janara was patrolling the perimeter in case the berdanti tried to find the secret passageway. Luckily the berdanti were occupied drinking, their leader pietro was hardly around too busy sleeping.

Leptis traveled towards Ades old village to see whether she returned to her old home before all of this witch business happened.
Every time Leptis asked any of the villagers if they saw Ade they all mumble she's a cursed abomination, one by one they became aggressive like they were possessed by evil spirits. After a few days of roaming between villages and tribes, it seemed that Ade disappeared into thin air until Leptis saw Pietro drunkenly stumble out of the bar with his best friend shouting "burn them all!"
Pietro was followed by the berdanti along the streets and headed to the church they banged on quite loudly "Open the door! I know you know where oreggi is!"
Leptis was watching the scene unfold and thought if Oreggi ran that must mean Ade must be with him, I have to tell the others.
(Pietro bangs again the door opens slightly "Go home we will talk in the morning" Spietro had to drag pietro back to the castle "there's nothing you can do till the morning, you owed me a favour don't forget "I want Persp unharmed and alive when you catch them" pietro "No guarantees Friend" Spietro "What you mean by that I helped you! Cersai was right your not fit to be our leader!"

Spietro punches pietro and runs off and drops his berdanti mask "screw this, I belong somewhere else".

Leptis follows Spietro quietly and grabs him from behind in the back streets where it was dark and hidden. Leptis "Shhhh"
Spietro "who are you?"
Leptis "I'm a friend of persp,where is ade?"
Spietro "with Oreggi, training her but all we hear is ade screaming let me out"
Leptis "show me the way to oreggi."
Spietro "you won't get past the defences, your outnumbered. I'll show you if you take me with you back to persp"
Leptis "why should I trust you?"
Spietro "I've had enough of this war, persp was the only one i want to be with. Pietro is a lost boy seeking revenge for nothing, when his father was the one who hunted the witches, corrupted by grief and power."
Leptis "alright, let's go."
Spietro "follow me, wear this though and keep your hair hidden"
Leptis  shrugs "a berdanti mask."
Spietro "it's at the church,.hidden enchantments everywhere no witches can enter just like the dungeon cell you were in"
Leptis "good thing I'm only human then."
Spietro and Leptis walk towards the church, there were 2 guards outside both asleep.
Leptis "your security needs work"
Spietro "don't have the man power, our main forces are inside guarding Ades room, if we are lucky we might be able to catch the routine guard swap over"
Leptis nods "lead the way"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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