Chapter 5: A special day out (part 2)

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"I love you."
They arrived at the restaurant, Mr. Cheeses FAVORITE restaurant. Mr. Cheese woke up to see that they were at his favorite place to eat out.

"The gentleman!" He exclaimed, "you shouldn't have!" He blushed, and got out of the car.

The Gentleman smiled, grabbing Mr. Cheeses hand. They walked in.

They sat at their table, where Mr. Cheese blushed the entire time.

The waiter came and they ordered their food. Mr. Cheese got his favorite, the Chedder biscuits, and The Gentleman got a classic spaghetti. They ate and chatted the entire time. Not about anything important, just chatting like couples do. Music, TV shows, games, etc.

After finishing their meal, The Gentleman ordered a cheese cake, another one of Mr. Cheeses favorites. The Gentleman also enjoyed cheesecake, but he was embarrassed.

The Gentleman took a fork and cut a piece off the giant slice, leaning over, feeding it to mr cheese. Mr. cheese giggled and bit it off. The both blushed, and The Gentleman looked away, laughing.

Then, to end their night, they went to see a movie Mr. Cheese had been dying to see. They entered the theater and sad down. Mr. Cheese rested his head on The gentleman's shoulder, smiling and laughing at the movie. The Gentleman put his arm around Mr. Cheese.

The movie was fantastic, even The Gentleman liked it. When they got in the car to head home. Mr. Cheese was talking about his favorite parts the entire car ride home:

When they got to the house, Mr. Cheese squeezed The Gentleman in a tight hug.

"I had a great time today The Gentleman! Thank you!" He said, giving him a kiss.

"Anything for you, My cheesy prince."

It was getting late, so they started to get ready for bed. Mr. Cheese changed his clothes, but kept in The Gentleman's Jacket. He laid in bed, snuggling up with The Gentleman. They cuddled for what seemed like ever before they both fell asleep.

It was a great night.
A fabulous night.
The Gentleman finally felt like he had redeemed himself, and strived to be a better boyfriend for Mr. Cheese.

Beanie Boy.. (Gentlecheese)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon