Chapter 5

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//I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! But here it is!! :D

Thomas’s POV

Thomas spends the whole night running through the maze while trying to keep away from grievers. He had no weapons, water or food with him to survive; he had to make it back with Newt. His legs were burning and so were his arms, he was covered in sweat. He took breaks every now and then but kept at the same pace for a while until sunrise and when the doors opened again.

He knew it wasn’t long until the doors opened, he still couldn’t believe he had survived this long. His stomach wanted food badly but he pushed the thought out of his mind and kept pushing himself and carrying Newt. Newt moaned every now and then and tried to turn in Thomas’s arms.

The sun was finally rising and Thomas could hear the doors opening, Thomas gripped Newt in his sweaty arms and sprinted as fast as he could to the route of the doors. As soon as he was getting closer, the walls in between him and Newt were closing in fast. Thomas panicked but kept moving forward, sprinting as fast as he could. Adrenalin was rushing through Thomas as he kept sprinting towards the doors; he finally saw the doors as he turned the next corner in the maze. He briefly saw Minho and Ben at the doors then they walked away. Thomas tried to yell for them but they couldn’t hear Thomas. Thomas made it to the doors, he kept sprinting.

He was half through, he kept pushing himself and finally, he reached the end of the doors. Thomas collapsed inside the glade, his breathing was heavy and he could feel his legs aching. Everyone rushed around him and gasped at Newt and Thomas. ‘’What the shuck happened to Newt?’’ Minho asked as he bent down to see Newt on the ground, lying there silently, breathing softly. ‘’He got stung by a griever, I found him lying near a wall unconscious.’’ Thomas paused to catch his breath as he looked up at Newt; med-jacks were taking Newt with them. ‘’At first I thought he killed himself.’’ Thomas took another pause and sat on the grass. His legs and arms were still burning. ‘’The grievers barely saw us as I kept running through the whole night.’’ Thomas explained while wiping his sweat off his forehead.

Minho looked at him in shock, ‘’he was trying to kill himself?’’ Minho asked him as he raised an eyebrow, ‘’Chuck! Get Thomas some food and water!’’ Minho ordered and Chuck hurried to the kitchen to find something for Thomas. Thomas looked up at Minho and frowned at him, ‘’yes…’’ Thomas said softly with a slight nod. The other Gladers didn’t hear him. Most Gladers went back to their jobs, Chuck came back with food and water, Thomas saw two sandwiches and a big bottle of water. Thomas took the food and water and scoffed the two sandwiches while drinking down some water.

Chuck sat beside him and Alby ran over to Thomas, ‘’what else happened out there?’’ Alby asked in a hurry as he folded his arms across his chest looking down at Thomas as he finished his sandwiches. ‘’That’s all I know. Newt was unconscious when I reached him.’’ Thomas shrugged his shoulders and got back to his feet, he could feel the pain going through him, he was so sore, he groaned as he got back up. ‘’Go get some rest and we’ll talk about it some more later.’’ Alby said with a nod then started to walk away. Thomas looked at Minho with a raised eyebrow.

Minho was still in shock as his friend was trying to take his own life; Minho looked down to his feet and suddenly started to walk away from Thomas. Thomas thought he wanted to be alone so he went to the homestead and went to his hammock. Thomas climbed into his hammock and rested. He drifted off to sleep as his legs and arms were aching.

Newts POV

Newt could hear voices around him; He knew he was back in the Glade and he could feel himself slightly recover after the med-jacks gave him the Grief serum. Newt remembered the girl’s voice, but he guessed it was his mother who said it to him. Newt still had his eyes closed and darkness surrounded him and only left him with his thoughts.

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