Fire Meets Gasoline

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"Don't leave me here alone, Lucas."

"You know how much your big brother hates it when you're being a disobedient little brother, right?" Lips curved upwards to a smile yet his eyes were drooping downwards.

A creepy and sinister face his brother makes to assure him something bad is going to happen to him.

"If you don't want these rabbit's eyes inside your mouth, then follow me."

An 8 year old boy nodded uncomfortably and followed his a decade-older behind.

It's already 6 am in the morning and Lucas knew he was already awake 3 hours ago. However, these flashbacks come to him like a series of nightmares every single time he falls asleep.

I'll never get used to this.

His crossed legs were numbing as his attention fell on his cup of coffee that he was supposed to drink after he woke up hours ago. It was already cold even just by looking at it.

"Everything doesn't stay as they were before..."

Lucas said to his cold coffee as if it could listen to him.

Then why on earth that my brother is still a lunatic after 20 years?

He shakes his head as he took the cup and went to the kitchen to make another one.

"If you're not useful anymore, people tend to either throw you away or endure your presence if they needed you."

Lucas then felt melancholic. He was about to press his coffee maker on when his eyes stared at his window reflection.

His snow as white skin, brown hazel round eyes, small perfect nose and his dry pale lips were staring back at him eerily.

Usually, people were starving first thing in the morning for breakfast. Lucas never felt hunger. He might have felt it but never wanted to eat anyway. His fridge was full of nothing but cold water. His pantry has a lot sugar, creamer and different kinds of coffee.

He only eats when he goes out for a walk or a meeting yet he would only take a bite or two.

Lucas finally turned on the coffee maker and while waiting, he opened his phone. His notifications were bombed with his editor and publisher's messages talking about how his latest fanfic were selling great thru online and bookstores. Even so, while scrolling on the book's reviews Lucas saw a comment that made him swallowed dry.

"When will pseudo_serenity-nim publish a new erotic book? It has been two years- DONT JUST CATER THOSE OBSESSED FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS #wewantmorepseudoserenityeroticabooks"

If there was a comment and a hashtag trend like this, for sure for the next few hours, there will be a thousands of them until the next day.

Lucas sighed and hid his phone back in his pocket.

"Should I start and write a new one today?"

It is a great timing since I already have an idea but...

He was in the middle of chaos, deciding wether to start now or later since he doesn't have any inspiration to write another erotic book filled with sexual fantasies which people were cowardly unable and impossible to do in real life that's why they read his works... As he always thought.

The annoying ringtone from his iPhone did break his thoughts and he answered unwillingly.

"Are you busy today?" A man's voice was audible over the phone.

Outside The GatesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ