Empty Vase

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Sunsets at 6pm was one of the moments Lucas enjoys by himself. He would sit, stare and brainstorm plots and twists for him to write. A typical author habit, as he says.

However, this time it was hard for him to think a new plot for his book when a guy named Seven that was introduced to him earlier was glued in his mind.

"A handsome psychologist whose body's covered in tattoo appreciated as an art." Lucas murmured.

He was peculiar. Lucas thought.

"It's my first time seeing a tall, fit and handsome psychologist who has tattoos piercings."

Might be because Linda always introduces me to middle aged doctors that I thought one like him doesn't exists.

"Why am I even thinking about him?" Lucas sighed and took a sipped from his teacup which has butterfly pea tea in it. He barely drinks tea. The only time that he drinks tea is when he's overthinking or stressed.

I don't want another doctor in my daily routine. They tend to keep on talking and talking about what should I do. They should expect that a patient like me would never subject to somebody just because they said so when I think I'm totally fine.

Although he's not totally fine, actually he's not fine. Lucas know it to himself but because he doesn't want any doctors anymore with him, he needs to be a hypocrite and tell himself he's fine.

"Why are those trashes still on the floor?" Lucas glared at his brother's things which he threw out earlier to burn but he failed to do so since Ahan called as well as his mother, Linda.

I should get rid of those before my grudge towards my brother get ahead of me.

Lucas stood up from the metal chair leaving his empty cup of tea on the tea table when he heard his gate beeped indicating someone got inside.

Lucas was nervous. It was already a pain for him to feel unsafe being alone all the time but knowing that there was an intruder in his house gave him goosebumps.

He didn't do anything except stand up warily at the entrance.

"I don't remember giving my gate code to anyone." Lucas whispered to himself.

Not even from my publishing team so as Ahan and Isabella.

"I knew it..." A guy in a black hoodie showed up with his eyes shot red and his creepy stares at Lucas made him feel uncomfortable just standing a few meters away from the trespasser.

"Leave." Lucas said sternly and the guy slowly smiled and laughed like a lunatic.

"Aren't you going to ask me first who am I?!"

"I don't want to know so leave before I call the security." Lucas swallowed dry as he tried to stay composed on his feet, not showing any weakness to the intruder.

"It's rude for you to act like that to a fan of yours. However security won't do anything for now. I went there earlier and they're all acting like sleeping beauties." The guy stepped closer to Lucas who instinctively stepped backwards.

I know now. He's one of those fans who breached the limits of just being a fan. A fan who wanted more than just a service from the people they adore. An obsessed fan.

"You're not a fan." Lucas provoked.

"I just said I'm your fan-"

"I have no fan of mine who doesn't know morals. An obsessed fan like you who intrudes to my house is nothing more than just a criminal. An obsessed fan who's trapped inside his own fantasy and doesn't recognize the reality. If I were you, I'd leave." Lucas said calmly.

Outside The Gatesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن