Chapter 1

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A girl walked down the hallway; her white hair trailed behind her white it was accompanied with dark tips trailing to the bottom. She smiled widely waving towards the other student.

Many of them blushed widely at seeing the girl with purple eyes walk by them before she entered a certain classroom

"Yuki, I accidentally took your book" a voice stated as everyone eyes darted to the door. The boy's face consumed with a blush as a girl walked in.

"Ah, there she is. You have the Prince on our class then in class 2 you have the Goddess" Uotani stated

"Aika Sohma" Hanajima finished as the girl walked into the classroom.

"Thank you Aika" Yuki said taking the book sign his hand while the girl smiled.

"I won't be able to walk with you home, Emi is walking with me" Aika smiled while Yuki nodded.

"Yes. See you at home" Yuki smiled before the said girl smiled and walked out the room.

'Wow' Tohru stated looking at her before her eyes widened on awe Aika smiling at her softly.

"Uhh I'm getting so tired of eating out" Shigure stated in his green kimono as he walked through the woods accompanied by Yuki and Aika.

"The easy solution is to make dinner" Yuki stated with annoyance. Aika walking in front of the two boys.

"Aika~" Shigure sung while the girl stopped.

"Like hell Shigure" Aika stated with a glare and looking back at the mad who simple froze in fear.

"If only we have a woman who knew how to clean and cook" Shigure stated with a sign while Aika rolled her eyes before stopping.

"Yuki isn't that a girl from your class?" Aika questioned as the two boys stopped their eyes furrowed on Tohru.

"She's the girl from this morning" Shigure stated while Aika furrowed her eyes further.

"This morning? What happened this morning?" Aika asked but was ignored as Yuki and Shigure looked at her, Aika signed at been ignored.

"Maybe she does live by? I heard her mother passed away a little while ago" Yuki stated while Aika scrunched her eyebrows "She could have moved."

"But this is Sohma land, we haven't rented any of it out, have we?" Aika questioned looking toward Shigure.

"Nope" Shigure replied with a simple shake of the head, while Aika signed loudly looked at the girl with a concerned expression before she rolled her eyes watching the two boys follow her.

"I will wash my face that will wake me up- Huh?" Tohru questioned coming out of the tent, her eyes widened on see the three Sohma's stood there with a shocked expression.

"Ahaha! Ahaha!" Shigure began to laugh and point at the brown-haired girl who dumbfounded, Aika signed loudly.

"It's not funny" Yuki stated with an exhausted expression, Aika looked towards the brown-haired girl.

"Hey, would you want to have tea at our place, so you have somewhere walk to talk?" Aika questioned reaching her hand out towards the girl, Tohru eyes softened.

"I thought it was strange" Yuki stated as they all sat around the small table in the house, Shigure still laughing "The Sohma's own all the land" Yuki finished.

"Um, would it be okay if. I lived there just a bit longer" Tohru mumbled Aika's eyes widened as she placed the tea down, her eyes growling concerned.

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