The First Year, P2

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"I can't pay our rents anymore. Papyrus' revolution killed the MTT businesses, and our landlords that we hired out of desperation won't give a shit and raised the rent ten fold. Hotland is fucked, Bratty."

"But Burgerpants, I don't said we could make it this month Burgerpants-"

"That was a lie, Bratty. I borrowed money from Mettaton so we could bring food to our table and treat your Glamburger addiction. You're my brother, but I think it's time we take diverging paths. I'm moving to Waterfall. If any of Mettaton's illegitimate Guardsmen ask, tell them I'm dead. Goodbye, Bratty."

Since the Underground was stabilized off an ambiguous military, some select citizens (usually aristocrats) garnered de-facto soldiers. Most of these peoples' army men were not officially ordained as soldiers by Royal Guardsmen, however they took part in some authoritarian role.

"B-but Burgerpants, we have a laboratory, we can stay there Burg-"

"No Bratty, that was Mettaton's laboratory Alphys owned. You and Catty were high on Glamburgers and Catty shat in her fridge and ran into the darkness. That was a week ago, and the police haven't offered any help yet."

"B-but Burgerpants, we can escape to New Home, Burgerpants, we know some of the Royal Guardsmen, Burgerpants!"

"We can't do that, Bratty. I've involved myself in the politics of the Underground to a severe extent. It's practically a death sentence with all the shit I've been talking about Papyrus. Besides, it would put both our safeties at risk since you're affiliated with me."

"Eerrrr oh no Burgerpants, what are we gonna do?"

Bribe the Riverperson, Bratty. But it's better if we split up. You go down to the Ruins or something. I'll be somewhere in Waterfall. Good luck, brother."

"Not so fast, smiling trashbags. It is I, Mettaton. You owe me 200,000G and a fridge for Alphys."

"Oh no, it's Mettaton! Bratty, Run!"

"You can no longer run. I have my workers surrounding your shitty alleyway."

"*Huff, puff*, I'm tired of running, Burgerpants, give me my Glamburger!"

"Bratty what the hell are you talking about?"

"Glamburgers give me super reflexes Burgerpants. We are not running away. We're going to end this here and now."

"Shit, I guess we have no other choices Bratty. I'll follow you."

"What are you doing, you trashbag pricks?"

"You can take away our lives, but you can't take away our freedom, Mettaton. Have a FABUFUL day."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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