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❝ i can't get love alarm! ❞

"sunghoon? earth to sunghoon?"

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"sunghoon? earth to sunghoon?"


sunghoon pried his eyes away from kim sunoo and yang jungwon. they were laughing about something together, causing sunghoon to grit his teeth. he looked towards jay. "what?"

"this girl has been trying to talk to you but you aren't answering." jay replied, frowning. "what are you looking at?" he slowly turned his head to look in sunghoon's line of sight. sunghoon's eyes widened. "no! um, let's...let's go."


without letting jay finish his sentence, sunghoon hastily grabbed a confused jay's hand and fled, leaving a girl standing in the middle of the hallway with a love letter in her hold.

it definitely wasn't the first time a girl or guy had tried to confess to sunghoon. he was rather popular and very handsome. although, he wasn't outgoing at all but instead super quiet. he only talked and laughed alot around his close friends.

"what was that back there?" jay asked as soon as sunghoon stopped walking and let go of his hand.

"what was what?" sunghoon smiled innocently.

"you know what i'm talking about! what were you staring at?" jay folded his arms.

"u-um..." he looked down at the ground, racking his brain for any excuses. he really didn't want jay knowing about his crush on sunoo. he didn't know why. it was just that he didn't have a crush for a while before meeting sunoo, so he was rather awkward with it.

suddenly, an idea popped into his mind.

"oh look! jungwon's here!" he pointed in the distance and watched jay'a mouth drop open.

"WHAT? WHERE? WHERE IS YANG JUNGWON? IS HE HERE? RIGHT NOW?" jay turned around, searching for jungwon whilst adjusting his hair. sunghoon took this moment to run away.


"sunghoon, you've been acting really weird lately."

"what? no!" sunghoon objected, picking at his food.

"you blanked out and stared into the distance for minutes, smiling softly and whispering something to yourself..." heeseung said. "are you okay?"

"w-what? i didn't...i didn't do that!" sunghoon sputtered and stuffed food into his mouth.

"we all saw it happen. what's on your mind?" jake asked, concerned.


"nothing?? if it's nothing, can you explain why you used yang jungwon as an opportunity to distract me and flee??"

at this, heeseung and jake burst out laughing. jay groaned.

"your crush on jungwon is insane! you believed sunghoon?? and went to look for him??" heeseung wheezed.

"i-i was just looking to see if he was around!"


"... wasn't this about sunghoon?"

"wait! guys!"

everyone at the table turned to look at jake. he cleared his throat. "i was thinking that hoon's been getting distracted lately because of someone. maybe a crush, seeing how he got all sentimental earlier." jake smirked at sunghoon's red cheeks. "he's turning red! it is a crush!"

"no! no i'm not! i don't know what your talking about." sunghoon sniffed.

"yeah...right. that's very suspicious, hoon. how could you keep such a thing from your best buds?" jake acted upset. "anyways, what's the best way to find out someone's crush?"

heeseung and jay turned to each other and gasped. sunghoon's mouth dropped. "no."

"love alarm!" heeseung and jay said in unison.

jake clapped. "exactly! and that was how we found out about jay's crush on jungwon."

the color drained out of jay's face as he watched yang jungwon's screen light up pink and the tiny words "someone within a 10 metre radius likes you" appear. the boy turned around to look for the perpetrator. "who was that?"

hearing that, jay immediately ran off, frantically tapping his screen to close the app. jungwon didn't know it was him. but his friends did.

"ugh! okay! i get it! can we not talk about jungwon and i?" jay slapped his hand on his face.

"you guys aren't the main point. i'm using your example only. i thought that sunghoon might feel awkward with telling us his crush like the person he is, so maybe the app can help. sunghoon, what do you say?"

jake, always so caring and considerate for his friends. however, sunghoon really didn't need his kindness right now. he did need his friends to leave him alone, though. "i say it's a bad idea. i don't want the app."

"and why is that?" jay questioned. sunghoon pursed his lips. "um... too many girls will be ringing my alarm?"

"just close the app? or mute your phone? anyways, you'll only need it once, to show us who your crush is. you can delete it afterwards." heeseung offered. sunghoon shook his head.

"why? scared that he would find out? or are you just too chicken?" jay smirked. "never would i have thought that i would have more guts than park sunghoon!" he exclaimed. sunghoon gritted his teeth. "you don't."

"your choices are proving to me that i am." jay crossed his arms. "get the app, and show us. what's the worst that could happen?"

"him knowing about it."

kim sunoo knowing about it.


hii! if this book does well i'll publish more. if it doesn't then i'll prob delete :( please show some love to keep me going!

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