Part 1

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Its been about a year since you broke up with James and you are now living with your sister Emma who helped you when James got abusive she was there since day 1. 

Its about 10am and you walk to the café not far from Emma's apartment. You step in and put on your apron ready for the day ahead. You've always loved baking and this was one of your many dreams that had come true. People already start to walk in and the café hasn't even been open an hour; you sigh and take everyone's orders then get Hannah your best friend  to give the customers their orders. The time goes by really quick and its already 12am (your lunch). 

"right I'm going to have lunch see you later!" You undo your apron and walk out into the city. After a while you grab a coffee and decide to sit on a bench near the café so you could walk back. After a few minutes you turn to see everyone running out of your café so you rush over to see it up in red monstress flames.

You start to panic and realise that Hannah isn't outside and start to panic even more.

"Hannah? where are you Hannah!" Without thinking you rush inside and start to choke on the thick dark smoke, You frantically start looking around knowing you don't have long left inside.

"H-Hannah please be ok? where the fuck are you?" You see a black figure lying on the nearly invisible ground. 

"HANNAH! please be ok." You cough more and feel the smoke enter your lungs. You pick her up and try to run out of the building as quickly as possible until a piece roof falls in front of you blocking your passage way. 

"s-shit."  You focus your mind on the wood and it breaks opening the passage back up. Swiftly, you run outside being greeted by ambulances and fire engines. You gently place Hannah down and they rush her into one of the ambulances. You start to cough lots and then sit down on the curb when you see someone. 

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