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In english:

Marinette's POV: 

I go into the kitchen and take a piece of cheese, placing it on a plate. After that, I sprinkled it with water and snuck a tablet from my parents.

I got up and joined him in his seat.

M: How are you doing?

Mn: Slightly improved

M: I'm happy. I'm happy to help.

CN: Thank you, Princess; you're too kind.

I go talk to Tikki while I leave him alone for a while.

M: I'm really sorry I wasn't with him on the patrol. There would have been no incident if I had been with him.

T: It's nothing, Marinette. On the plus side, you assisted in his recovery.

Ch: Princess, you may now enter.

M: Shouldn't Ladybug be with you?

CH: Ladybug has a life of her own and can't always join me in my struggle against thieves. She's worn out from all the Akuma attacks, however. She needs to unwind. And if she was unable to come today, I can understand.

He genuinely wants me to be content. He has always cared about me, therefore I couldn't take the thought that my absence makes him unhappy.

CH: I wouldn't have wanted her to see me that way, so it's better that she didn't come today.

She's seen you before. And she apologizes for not being with you.

I assist him with getting up and bedtime.

M: Are you going to school tomorrow?

CH: Yes

M: And you'll proceed in this manner?

Ch: I must; I cannot skip school. It would seem a little strange.

He then gave me a forehead kiss. That is the last thing I can recall before dozing off.

Adrien's POV:

I arrived at my house. Marinette was fortunate that she changed my bandage before I went because I was unable to do so on my own. I now need to prevent anyone from finding about it.

P: What a lengthy evening.

A: You're right, good night, Plagg.

P: Adrien, good night.

I get up. It's around 7:30 now. My chest hurt, so getting out of bed was a little challenging. I down the stairs and eat breakfast. Dad skipped our second meal together. Nathalie arrives to inform me of today's schedule.

N: You used to fence these days after piano lessons and classes.

A: Nathalie, thank you.

This is bad. It's a bad location. I'm certain that if I fence, I'll get harmed, someone will ask me what I have, and my father will find out my hidden identity. I must exercise extreme caution. Marinette might recognize me after the wound now that she is attending the fencing class.

In romanian:

Marinette's POV:

Ma duc în bucătărie și iau o bucata de branza si o pun pe o farfurie. Dupa i-am pus niște apa și am luat o pastila de la părinți.

Am urcat sus si m-am pus lângă el.

M: Cum te simți?

Mn: Un pic mai bine.

M: Ma bucur. Poftim.

Mn: Mersi, ești prea generoasa, printesa.

Il las un pic singur, si ma duc sa vorbesc cu Tikki.

M: Ma simt asa de vinovata ca nu am fost cu el la patrulare. Daca eram cu el, nu s-ar fi întâmplat nimic.

T: Nu-i nimic, Marinette, dar vezi partea buna, l-ai ajutat sa se vindece.

Mn: Acum poți veni, printesa.

M: Nu ar fi trebuit sa fie și Buburuza cu tine?

Mn: Buburuza are și ea o viata, nu poate mereu sa vina sa ma ajute sa ma lupt si cu niște hoții. Oricum e obosita de la toate atacurile Akuma-urilor. Are nevoie de relaxare si inteleg dacă nu a putut veni azi.

El chiar își dorește sa fiu fericita. Nu as suporta faptul ca lipsa mea il face pe el trist, lui mereu i-a pasat de mine.

Mn: Dar mai bine ca nu a venit azi, nu as fi vrut sa ma vadă asa.

Deja te-a văzut si ii pare rău ca nu a fost cu tine.

Il ajut sa se ridice si il pun în pat.

M: Tu maine nu ai scoala?

Mn: Ba da

M: Si o sa te duci asa?

Mn: Trebuie, nu pot lipsi de la scoala. Ar fi cam suspicios.

Dupa ma saruta pe frunte.  Asta e ultimul lucru care îmi aduc aminte înainte sa adorm.

Adrien's POV:

Am ajuns acasă. Noroc cu Marinette ca mi-a schimbat bandajul înainte sa plec altfel nu puteam sa mi-l schimb singur. Acum trebuie sa am grija ca nu afla nimeni despre asta.

P: Ce noapte lunga.

A: Da într-adevăr, noapte bună Plagg.

P: Noapte buna Adrien.

Ma trezesc. E vreo 7:30. Mi-a fost un pic greu sa ma dau jos din pat, ma durea pieptul. Cobor si iau micul dejun. Tata din nou nu s-a ostenit sa ia masa cu mine. Vine Nathalie sa îmi spună programul de azi.

N: Azi ai scrima dupa ore si după ora de pian.


Nu e bine. Nu e bine deloc. Daca am scrima, sigur o sa ma rănesc si după o sa fiu întrebat ce am si dupa tata va afla identitatea mea secreta. Trebuie sa am mare grija. Acum ca e Marinette la cursul de scrima, s-ar putea sa își dea seama cine sunt dupa rana.

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