Thank you so much for choosing this💗Hanako x y/n fan fiction! 💗

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You gazed up at the stars above, procrastinating what life wold be as a supernatural being, it must be lonely having people deny your existence day after day . Suddenly You got a text from Aoi asking if you were excited for your first day of school, you were, extremely

The next day
You grab your lunch and head to school. 'Hey Aoi' you say taking the window seat in front of her
Aoi: 'the cherry blossoms are in full bloom'
she whispered
Y/n: 'they are beautiful'
you responded. The first day of school went smoothly, up until you heard some upperclassmen telling each other a rumour about a ghost in the first years girls bathroom. Curious, you wandered up to the bathroom and went to the last stall as the boys proclaimed, you were frozen with fear but you had to keep going, if the fact you can be granted anything you ever wanted, would would you want? Money? Manga? Friendship ? No you can't think about that now, not when you were possibly putting your life on the line. You walked into the bathroom, it wasn't that scary! '
Y/n:Hanako san, Hanako san are you there~ ' you jokingly said. '
Mysterious voice :Helooooo'
you heard in reply. A young boy with short brown hair and an old school uniform stood in front of you. He looked you up and down and smiled. 'Well you're a cutie aren't ya?' He whispered in your ear in a sing song voice. '
Y/n:Who are you, do you know about the ghost who lives in here! Creepy right!'
You said , unfazed by the fact he was a boy but even more unfazed he was slightly translucent. Hanako:'I'm Hanako, silly
' he pronounced proudly. '
Hanako:Why, did you expect someone else?'. 'No I'm sorry' you reply. Your face glowing red,'What is your wish?'He said stepping closer to you as your eyes locked. You could feel his breath on your face. you looked away and stepped back. 'Well..' you uttered 'my wish would be for love' you blushed even more  'but a forbidden love that needs sacrifice! Like in all the romance anime!' 'Hmmm, that's gonna be a tricky one!' He smiled 'I'll make it work in possibly a few years' you stared back at him 'years? I thought it would be quicker than that, aren't you magic?'
Hanako: 'Yes there is another way but it's dangerous' he stated. Too bad you were a love struck student with a longing passion for romance.

The next week
'Aoi:Hey y/n! Do you want to water the flowers today at gardening club, they are looking a little dry.' Aoi said smiling wide.
Y/n:'I told you I feel sick near water Aoi!' She grunted and walked away speaking to herself . You went back too see Hanako waiting with a mop 'why don't you scrub the floors today?' He smirked. Working as usual, I don't mind though, he's good company and we get along well. 'Hanako' you say your eyes sparkling with pride 'what's your zodiac sign?' You pull out your daily horoscope on your phone 'I always wanted to hear that' he said seriously 'I'm a Leo!' He smiled, pulled you close and started playing with your hair 'well.. I'm a Gemini' he stops playing with your hair and looks you softly in your eyes. He tilts your face up to his and smiles
Hanako:The perfect match'. '
Y/n:It says it's a 95% match but I doubt it' you say pulling away from Hanako's embrace. '
Y/n:It's the end of the day, I need to go home.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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