Chapter 1 - Gamble With Me!

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There, Jabami sat in the cafeteria with a hand of 5 cards. Her opponent sat opposite of her as beads of sweat appeared on their
astonished expression.

Jabami let her cards fall, a red glow in her eyes as her pink lips curved into a demonic smile. “ Checkmate! This match was simply wonderful! Please say you'll gamble with me again! ”

Her opponent's eyes widened as they realized; they were in debt to ¥600,000,000, which they didn't have. “I...I don't have that on me... Please give me some time! ” Her opponent plead.

“ One week. ” She giggled and spun off to where Mary and Ryota were standing.

“ Sheesh, that was tense, even for you, Yume-san.” Ryota said as he rubbed the back of his neck, averting his eyes from the crazy female.

Yumeko titlted her head. “ Huh? ”

Mary spoke. “ Do you think the new girl would be crazier than Bitcheko?” she folded her arms.

“ New girl? What new girl? ” Yumeko replied.

Mary looked at the ground. “ Hanako Surikobami. I think she's like you, Yumeko, a distant relative perhaps?”

“ How lovely! Everyone I gamble with runs out of money quite fast. I would love to gamble with her! ” Yumeko said as her eyes lit up in excitement.

“ Not a surprise there, ” Mary rolled her eyes. “ She's taking the place of one of the students in our class. ”

“ Yumeko, she just arrived, maybe let her settle in before—” Ryota said before being cut off.

“ Don't interfere, Suzui-san. ” she turned to him and stared at him dead in the eyes.

Ryota was silent after that.

“ Now where is this Surikobami? ” Yumeko clasped her hands together, facing Mary again.


Hanako let her schoolbag rest on the ground as she took out a small picture.

“ Minami... ” she silently muttered, tears rolling down her face.

The classroom door suddenly swung open and Hanako quickly wiped the tears away and shoved the picture in her blazer.

A student with strawberry blonde hair tied into pigtails and purple irises happily skipped over to Hanako's desk.

“ Mizura? ” Hanako's eyes widened.

Mizura placed her hands on her hips. “ Hanako! I haven't seen you since Middle School, how've you been? You sure have gotten a lot taller. ”

“ Can you be quiet? I'm not in the mood. ” she quickly shifted her mood and sat up straight, avoiding eye contact with the girl.

“ Oh come on! How can you not miss your girlfrien-”

“ You're not my girlfriend. I can't even call uou my ex. I'm not interested in you anymore, leave me alone Mizura.”

“ You're such a buzzkill, Hana. You used to be interesting. ” Mizura  retorted.

“ I said leave me alone, Mizura. ” Hanako said, annoyed.

Mizura pouted. “ But Hanaaaaa! ”

“ Do you ever shut up? Must you continue to run your mouth? ” Hanako snapped, looking at her. “ Is that all you do? shout and yell so the world can hear you? Don't you have anything better to do?!”

“ And you say I talk too much. ” Mizura sat at her desk and put her foot up on the table.

“ Urgh... You are so infuriatingly-.”

“ gorgeous! ” Mizura laughed proudly.

Hanako stood up and left her seat. “ I'm skipping the first day of class today.”

“ Hana! Wait! ” Mizura quickly returned her feet to the ground.

She slammed the door behind her and stormed off to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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