Chapter 1

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"I just don't get hard, I really don't know what is happening to me, in the begging I thought that is was just my partner but I think it's something more deep"

"Don't worry the doctor will find the problem please relax he will be here in 2 minutes"

"Okay thank you"


Well hey there! I am Stefan Housern and I just turned 20 years old. Since I was teenager I was having a really difficult problem.

I couldn't get hard.

My cock just don't want to!

I try with many girls even the hottest ones,but none of them made me hard.

I even watched hours of porn just to make sure that something is really wrong with me.

And nothing ever happened.


"Hello nice to meet you! I am Dr.Jack,how are you feeling?"

"Just a little tired"

"Sorry for the delay but our doctor got a important call and I was called immediately"

"It's okay I just want to know what wrong with me"

"Okay, let me see the result from the treatment first"


"So it's nothing?"

"No nothing, biologically you are clean, I think it's just in your mind,are you in an anxious period?"

"Well yes, I have a lot of things to do, I study and work and it's quite difficult"

"I think if you relax and take deep breaths it will be fine"

"But I have it since I was teenager"

"A lot of boys have unpowered system so it's difficult to get hard so you are not alone, I don't think is something serious"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes but to be exactly sure , to do the proper exams you have to pee in this little cup"

"Right now?"

"It's 6 in the morning I don't you think you had dinner or water?"

"No I never eat in the morning"

"The bathroom is over there, good luck!"


Jesus Christ, what I did I do to suffer like that.

I quickly open the bathroom door.

"Hey what in the-"a man without clothes was In frond of me.

"Oh sorry sorry I am leaving"

"No it's fine just pee"


"Are you shy?"



"Wait where are you going?"

"Oh I am not your doctor,he is the doctor you where here in the first place"


"Hello mr. Robertson nice to meet you I am your doctor Dr. Park"

"Wait you are the quy from the bathroom"

"Let me see you test results"

Great he just ignore my question.


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