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Starfleet Ships

USS Kuromuromine
Sovereign-class Battlecruiser

USS Saunders
Akira-class Assault Escort

USS Pravda
Intrepid-class Long Range Science Ship

Year Pre-Transfer: 2376
GuP Post-Transfer Year: 2026


Captain's Log, sumplemental. One year after the Dominion War, tensions between the New Cardassian government and the Federation are extremely high. The 'border' itself is undefinded, and the Klingons are demanding several systems to be ceded over to their control. The Kuromuromine with two other Federation ships are to patrol the disputed areas, if only to prevent the outbreak of hostilities.

Captain Johnathan Itsumi sighed as he finished his log. His combadge chirped as someone called him. "Captain Itsumi, we are approaching the border. Requesting your presence on the bridge." John nodded before returning the message. "Understood, leiutenant. On my way." He stood up from his chair and walked out of the captain's room onto the bridge.

The bridge layout was of the typical Soveriegn class, with modular stations meeting the needs of the mission. However, due to the potential combat, many of the consouls were tactical, with the scientifics only meant for the detection of cloaked vessels.

"Status?" John looked at his coms officer, an Andorian by the name of T'mel. The female nodded. "Captain, the Pravda and Saunders has taken up flanking positions of the Kuromuromine. It is recommended to allow the Pravda to do the sweeps for cloaked vessels."

John nodded before sighing. "Let us begin this patrol... I'd rather not have to fire upon allies over a Cardassian world, even if we made a pledge to the Civilian Government." The Starfleet captain leaned back before keeping his ears open for anything that might perk his interests.

After several hours, his Navigation Officer, Erika Moltke, spoke up. "Captain, sensors are picking up a wormhole-like anomaly three hundred thousand kilometers to our starboard. Pravda has reported it as well. Your orders?"

John closed his eyes before nodding, Dukat style. "Then by all means, alter course to the wormhole. We are still an exploratory organization, despite having operated as a military for the past decade."

The three Federation ships turned to starboard before jumping to warp five, dropping out of warp two thousand kilometers away from the wormhole. "Sir... Readings indicate a stable wormhole. We could be dealing with another Bajoran Wormhole here." T'mel stated.

"Understood. Is it stable enough for a ship to go through?" John asked before looking to Erika. The woman nodded. "Pravda reports that it is stable enough for a ship. Should i inform Command?" John nodded and Erika went to work.

"Lieutenant T'mel, lead us into the wormhole. Impulse only." The Andorian nodded before navigating the Kuromuromine into the wormhole, followed by the Saunders and Pravda, disappearing from the Alpha Quadrant.

"Status?" John mused as the ship rocked from the energies of the wormhole. "Sir, the wormhole closed behind the Pravda. We have no way to return the way we came." Erika stated, with T'mel grunting. "The energies are making this difficult. But I am detecting an exit."

John nodded before frowning. "Take us out! Before the shaking rupteres our ships apart!" T'mel nodded before the Kuromuromine banked slightly to port before exiting the wormhole, with the two Starfleet ships following behind, with the wormhole closing behind the ships.

"T'mel, Erika! Where are we?" John mused as he looked on the view screen, not believing his eyes. Erika only stared at the screen as T'mel spoke. "Captain.... We appear to be in the Sol System, but scans indicate... we are not in our own time, let alone our own... dimension."
John rubbed his temples. "Right... any warp signatures?" T'mel shook her head. "Right... set course to the dark side of Luna. If... we are dealing with Humanty pre-warp, we have to minimize our impact on their development." The wartime Captain sighed, having to remember the damned Prime Directive.

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