First Contact

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Captain's Log, February 25th, 2026. After rescuing the Andorian Warship, Captain Shran wishes for us to set course back to Andoria to speak to his government and possibly enlist our ships into the Andorian Navy. However, Federation Concerns lie with Earth, and whether or not we should make contact. This is Humanity's home world, after all.

John looked up from his logs before he heard a chirp. "Captain Itsumi, Captain Shran is on the bridge awaiting you, sir." John sighed before nodding. "Thank you T'mel. I'm on my way." The man stood up before leaving his ready room, entering the bridge.

"Captain Shran, I understand repairs to your impulse and warp engines are coming along well?" John chuckled with Shran nodding. "Such an advanced ship, let alone three, suddenly appearing will gain the attention of the other regional powers. I still strongly recommend coming with us to Andoria."

John shook his head. "I'm sorry, but our little skirmish here would have definantly put the Humans down on the surface on High Alert, and... I'm Human. I joined Starfleet to Protect my home. Surely you understand."

Shran gave a skeptical look before nodding. "I understand completely. I doubt the Vulcans will, with their logic-driven minds. Their ships can reach Warp 7, which only our battle cruisers can make, and that is with some difficulty. Not saying you can't defend yourselves, of coarse."

John smirked. "We can go Warp 9.8, Shran. Plus... if they want a fight, will give it to them. But I will not abandon my post to defend Humanity." Shran nodded before extending his hand. "Well, Pink-Skin, you will have a friend in the Andorian Imperial Guard." The pair shook hands before Shran left the bridge.

"Erika, what are the communications on Earth like?" John looked to Erika. The woman sighed. "Nothing out of the ordinary on the less secure lines. But I have picked up interesting chatter in the Japanese Home Islands. Apparently, a 'school carrier's students saw a ship matching both ours and Shran's vessels. But this is not on a military frequency, but a civilian."

John raised a brow. "Government, at least?" "Negative sir. Some sort of independent federation revolving around... Shesha-whateveryouwanttocallit." John mused before sighing. "What does it say exactly." Erika sighed before playing the translated Japanese.

"The sighting of two UFOs, roughly the size of Second World War battleships, has caused great confusion with the girls. It is recommended that all school ships dock in the nearest deep water harbor until further notice. All student counsel and senior tank officers are to meet in the Nishizumi Residence in Kumanto Province." The translation ended.

John hummed before nodding to Erika. "Did they say when, and do you know where this Residence is?" T'mel chuckled. "Already got the coordinates. Are we beaming or shuttling down?"

John hummed before sighing. "Shuttle. A random transport into their backyard will raise more questions than a shuttle. T'mel, you have the bridge. Erika, with me." T'mel nodded as John and Erika entered the turbolift.

"If this is our humanity, then we would be contaminating our own history." Erika mused, with John shaking his head. "There was no Shensha-do in our History because we had enough common sense not to place machines of war in the hands of children. Guns, on the other hand... that was my people's religion."

Erika chuckled lightly. "Right... you came from America." John only grinned as they left the turbolift, heading to the hanger bay. "We will be taking the USS Kyoto down. She has decent shielding and weapons."

"But it's a modified fighter. Do you think that's a little hostile?" Erika asked as they approached the fighter. John only chuckled as he got into the pilot seat. "I rather not be in a runabout if those Klingons show up again. Plus, this fighter... should be able to at least take on down before the rest of the fleet gets down to help."

Erika only shook her head as she took the co-pilot's seat. The impulse engines of the fighter came to life before the hanger doors opened. 'John eased the vessel out of the Kuromuromine before banking down towards Japan.

"Recommend slowing to 600 mph. If we enter the atmosphere and break the speed of sound, we could cause some serious damage to civilian buildings." John nodded as the fighter slowed down, the shielding preventing a burning entrance into the atmosphere.

The fighter descended to 2,000 feet above sea level. However, the JSDFAF radars picked them up and were scrambling fighters of their own. "Sir, sensors indicate four interceptors heading towards us. They appear to match the design of the old F-16 Falcons, sir."

"They certainly have the advantage if they chose to engage in a turning fight." John remarked before smirking. "Too bad we have shields."

The Kyoto continued its descent as two F-16s lined up on either side, in an escorting manor. "Captain, we are being hailed on an open frequency." John nodded.

"You are entering Japanese Air Space. You have twenty seconds to identify, or we will force you down." John looked to Erika before speaking. "This is Captain Johnathan Itsumi, of the Federation Starship Kuromuromine. We are merely exploring and collecting data for scientific purposes."

"Land at Kumanto Air Base, and prepare to be detained." John sighed before banking over into a dive to the deck. The F-16 pilots blinked before following suit, entering a face paced chase. "Captain... not a very good first impression..."

John sighed before banking upwards, entering clouds. The F-16s leveled out before they lost visual. "With the deflector up, they shouldn't be able to reliably track us." Erika commented, looking to John.

"Now, Lieutenant, nothing is sure. And it appears we are approaching the Residence." John muttered as he guided the fighter into the open backyard behind a large house, with the whirl of the impulse engines being slightly louder than anticipated.

"Another happy landing..." Erika mused before grinning. John only shook his head as he made his way to the door of the fighter and exited, grabbing a phase rifle on his way out. Erika mused before grabbing a phaser pistol and followed. "Your MACO training and heritage is showing, Captain."

John mused as he looked around before motioning with his right hand to move towards the Nishizumi Residence, to which Erika nodded and took up a position opposite of John at a doorway.

Inside, the fighter's impulse engines certainly didn't go unnoticed as Miho, Alice, and Miss Erika Itsumi herself began to walk towards the back of the house. Miho, for her part, was unusually calm. "It sounded like it went to the back..." Erika snorted before opening the back door. Into the face of a Phaser Rifle and Pistol.

Alice screamed bloody murder in a split second before Erika Itsumi scowled, throwing a left hook to John's face. The man dodged to the left before rifle butting her and nodding to his subordinate. "Back to the fighter!" He tapped his com badge before speaking. "Itsumi to Kuromurimine, made first contact, young girl screamed bloody murder. Returning to the ship at best possible speed!"

The pair entered the fighter before John powered up the engines and lifted off. "That could have gone better..." "Sir, I'm detecting  several small craft approaching. They are matching Vulcan signatures!" A disrupter beam shot past the fighter before two more made contact, depleting the shields.  "Sir, shields at 53%!"

John scowled before pulling the fighter back, locking onto one of the Vulcan fighters and fired the small phaser cannons. The shots went wide, but it deterred the Vulcans enough  to grant some breathing room to make their escape, going to full impulse...

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