An Old New Friend

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Nothing meant anything. Everything that had happened did so for no reason. It would all eventually turn to dust under someone's cruel hand. No matter how you looked at it, how much you tried to ignore it, that's how it was, plain and simple. Mono knew that now more than ever as he was watched from every angle, broadcasted to every screen to suck everyone in.

He couldn't do anything, but he had realized that he never could.

Sitting on a chair for what felt like an eternity surrounded by a flesh wall covered in eyes affects a person. All Mono did at the start was cry, but now he just sits, staring. He hadn't spoken a word since he stopped crying, only giving the occasional scream just to let it all out. It only echoed off the living walls and back at him. He rarely even screamed anymore.

What else was there to do but sit and wait? Wait for what though? Mono had no idea, and he couldn't tell if he couldn't wait to find out or just wanted it to stay away for as long as it could. Mono felt scared of any change that could come, though if any did happen he would probably greet it with open arms. Or he thought that until one day a hat fell from so high up through the signal tower that it hit the fleshy floor so hard it bounced twice.

Mono was asleep in the chair at the time though tumbled straight out of it upon the noise. He was startled to see anything other than the chair, yet a sense of extreme happiness came over him in the next second. He scrambled up to his feet, tripping a few times as he ran over to the hat and set it over his messy hair. The hat was a clean black fedora, something he wasn't used to. It also didn't smell of mud and acid rain, but instead- just like fabric. Mono had never really taken in that smell, but now it was the best thing in the world.

Mono wished he could have a hundred hats just like this one, thinking maybe that would ward the smell down here away, though his thoughts immediately went blank when seeing a familiar shape in the distance, a black silhouette of what looked like a normal child's body with a triangle placed on top of it. At that moment Mono lost his breath, instinct screaming at him to run over to it but he only muttered, "A mirage." The first thing he had said in a while, just to convince himself that his old friend couldn't be here, not after everything.

So, Mono climbed back up into his chair and tilted the hat over his eyes. He refused to look in the direction of where his supposed mirage was for a long while, though when he looked that way again it wasn't there. He was relieved at first, until one day he looked behind his chair instead to find the black figure was much closer, though a fairly good distance still. From here he could now see it glitching, long sticks of black static coming off its body but disappearing and reappearing in quick instances.

Mono no longer knew if it was a mirage or not, but either way, he knew it wasn't real. It was the figure he had seen when Six was taken by the Thin Man, and he connected it to have been just the only remains left behind of captured children. The figure showed up again though, far away from where Six was taken after Mono severely hurt himself after being knocked back in full force into the back of a train cart. It mimicked some of the childish and friendly behaviors that Six had, the ones Mono cherished, but he knew it wasn't really her.

He again ignored the creature, going to sleep instead of acknowledging its presence. He couldn't ignore it any longer though when he awoke to the menace standing directly in front of his chair. His hat covered his eyes at first, so even
after a while of laying in the chair awake, his eyes wide open, he still did not see her. It was only after a fair amount of time that passed that he sat up, and immediately pressed his body back against the chair when seeing it. He couldn't see its face at all, it just looked like a void under the hood it pretended to have. Even so, Mono could feel it staring at him. It felt like it was stealing any energy he had left in him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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