Broken Glass

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     The clock shows a bright red "3:47am", the rain hounds on the roof of the motel. Your ears ring loudly and violently. You're woken in a cold sweat. The bed is a mess, empty vodka bottles plague the floor. You manage to trip and fall your way to the bathroom, turning on the sink, you splash your face. You don't recognize this mess in the mirror, who have you become? is this all you are? All you'll ever be?
     A few hours had passed, and by now it was 6am. Still dark outside, but not pitch black. You stared at the payphone outside your room, feeling the paper in your pocket. Your mind begins to race. Do I call him? Surely, he couldn't be awake and even if he was, would he wanna hear from you? Moreso, you don't want him to see you like this.


You cussed yourself out as the payphone rang. Part of you hoped he wouldn't pick up and it would go to-

His voice was both a comfort and a dread.
"Dex, long time no see- talk?"

"Jesus Christ, y/n??"

"Yeah, hey."
You stuttered through your words, not knowing what to say. The rain was pouring down, the only thing keeping you dry was the awning above the payphone. Even that was failing.

"Fuck, y/n. What happened? Everyone is worried about you. You kind of just...disappeared." Holland said, sadness obvious in his words.

"Shit man, I know. I kind of just fell off. L-look I'm real sorry, I never wanted anyone to worry."
You didn't understand why you got so emotional, maybe the hangover was contributing. Your eyes started to blur, and you felt that familiar burn in your nose.

"What the fuck dude..." he whispered to himself. "Look just, let me pick you up and get you something to eat, or a drink or something. Please." He basically pleaded, making it transparent that he genuinely wanted to see you.

"Dex that's sweet of you but-"
He cut you off
"Y/n I haven't seen, let alone heard from you, in just over a year."

Why does he always put me in such awkward positions?

"I'm at the starboard motel in stanton. The one near that bar we used to hang out at when we were teens because they didn't card."
You both laughed at this memory of your dumb teen antics. You both lived right in between Cypress and Stanton growing up. Making it easy to make friends from everywhere.
"I'll be there in a few hours. It's good to have you back, y/n."


You dropped to your knees, taking in what just happened. It was too much too soon.

You rushed inside to get a shower, brush your teeth, fix your hair, and throw on a decent outfit. You went with your Pearl Jam shirt, old flannel, and cargo pants. You laced up your doc martens and grabbed your backpack carrying your belongings, and left all the trash in the motel.

As you're waiting outside the motel in the rain, you check and make sure you have all your belongings. Well, of course you're not gonna have all of them, the rest of your shit is back at your apartment in cypress. You abandoned it over a year ago to live on the road after what happened. You couldn't stand to leave, but staying hurt worse. Well, it didn't matter now.

You're completely blanked out, running through all the things that could go wrong in your head. You're snapped out of it when you hear a car engine and "same old story" by pennywise approaching. You flick your cigarette to the ground, and look up.

Fuck, it's him...


Want You Bad. - Dexter Holland×FEM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now