Chapter 1

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Bonnie's POV

I was tuning my guitar as I usually do maybe whistling or singing a tune. I was singing a song I heard on the radio last night. The Hush Sound-You Are the Moon.
Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark,
Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms,
Darkness , darkness everywhere , do you feel alone?
Suddle waves of gravity , the heavy weight of stone,
You don't see what you posses , a beauty calm and clear,
It finds the sky and blurs the darkness , like a chandelier.
All the light that you posses , is skewed by lakes and seas.
Shattered surface so imperfect is all that you beileve.

I heard a knock at my opened door , it was Freddy. "You have a beautiful voice."he said. I blushed and looked away. "Thanks."I said. "May I come in?"he asked. "Sure."I.replied. "So , tuning your guitar I would presume?"he said. "Yeah."I replied. I strued it to make sure it was tuned , it was to my pleasure. "How are you?"he asked. "I'm good."I replied smiling. "No lie?"he asked. "No lie."I said chuckling. We heard some racket down stairs in the kitchen. We walked down to see Deureki , he was being clumsy as usual. "H...hey...boss..."he said to Freddy. "Deureki , you're making a mess!"he shouted. Deureki folded his ears back and looked apologetic. "S...sorry....Freddy...."he replied. He looked down at the cold floor and a tear fell. Freddy walked over to him. "Hey , I'm sorry for shouting."he said. Deureki was timid , awfully so he twitched under Freddy's touch. "Go see Foxy , you look like you need some company."he said softly. "Okay."he said wagging his tail in a shy manner.

He walked off and me and Freddy went back to my room. Aside from me being talented in music , I was also talented in art. I liked drawing nature , the mountains scraping the sky as clouds fly by , the hills as they roll , the tall grass curving in the wind as it blew across the plains. I drew animals as well. My favorite animal was a Kangaroo. XD I had three portfollios and 12 sketch books. I started around 10 , it's been 5 years ever since I started drawing. Freddy was amazed at this talent. "You know I really like your work."he said smiling. "Thanks."I replied. We sat there quiet for a minute , I observed him , his brown fur and light brown under belly fit with his sapphire blue eyes. They glemed in the light as they looked at me , I went a bit lower , but stopped at the hip. What the hell am I thinking? I questioned myself. "Bonnie , earth to Bonnieeeeee."he said chuckling. "Oh sorry."I said. "So , I'll see you at the party tonight?"he asked. "What? Oh yeah of course."I replied. Party , what party? "Great!"he said happily , he walked off. I felt so weird. His eyes chaught my attention , they were beautiful , and anyone can say that but , I was trapped in his gaze for what seemed like days. What is happening to me? I have developed a tender spot for him. I'll ask Chica about it later , she knows a lot of things.

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