The man

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First day of school was great I made lots of new friends. I still miss my old school but it's ok this one is better. As I walk home with my headphones in full bast getting pulled into the beat. I couldn't help but feel a strange feeling so I turned around to find nothing there. That's strange I thought as I kept on walking this time I heard a loud thud. I quickly turned around as it was pitch black I couldn't see anything.

Then I saw a shadow figure my heart froze I instantly started running and looked back to see if it was following it was I ran faster. It was fast and it was catching up to me I was beyond terrified. Suddenly I felt it grab me and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. I tried my best to escape it was to strong. I was thrown in a van and driven of with I reached for my phone but relized I lost it during the struggle.

All I could do was try stay calm and collect my thoughts and think of a escape plan. I wanted to cry but I held it in. 20 minutes later we stopped and I relized we was at a gas station and I heard a another person there. I screamed as loud as I could for him to hear me it worked I heard him say if someone was in the boot

Suddenly I heard a gunshot it was so loud it felt like my eardrums had exploded I heard intense ringing in my ears. Someone then opened the boot he put the gun to my head and said
" if you don't shut up I'll kill you" I tried to look at him and remember as many features of him as I could hair colour how tall stuff like that.then he stuffed the guy that tried to help me In the boot as well. I had never seen anything so horrific I instinctively look away crying.
"That will be you soon" he said and slammed the boot and sped away. I tried not to look at the man who tried to help me. Suddenly he stopped with his gun drawn opened the boot and dragged me out and took me inside.

Must escape Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang