Inside the hell whole

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He tied me up with rope and gagged my mouth and sat next to me I had to find the best chance to escape. There was no reason to try and reason with him he will just kill me. So I thought when he trusts me enough to talk try and ask me some questions so I can get to know him and maybe use that to my advantage. I kept trying to think of a plan.

Later he gave me some food and water which gave me a chance to ask him his name.
" Luke" he said firmly
" my name is Isobel" I said kindly as I ate my soup and drank water.
" how old are you" I asked
He looked at me and said "23"
" I said I know you are going to Kill me but think about the jail time you would get think about it" I said enticingly trying to get him to change his mind which I know was never going to work but worth a try.

That night he didn't feel that he could trust me enough to untie me but that was ok I'll try again tomorrow. The next day I was more hopeful it was very important I stay positive If I don't things will go drastically wrong I know it. He didn't untie me until until at night and he sleeps next to me so I had to be wise how I did this. One wrong move and he would kill me straight way.

I slowly got up since I was tied up I didn't have the chance to check for creaky floor boreds so I'll have to be really careful one wrong move and this is my death. I put my tiptoed on a floor bored but a little weight on it if I didn't hear a creek I would commit to it that's what I did. On the 5 bored I heard a loud creak and quickly looked over to see if he was still asleep few he was. I knew I would have to make a run for the door if I was going to get out alive.

I counted to 3 and ran to the door and opened it was fast as possible and sprinted out. I was so relieved I was alive I had no shoes no socks bear feet and I ran to the nearest house far away from him. I desperately knocked on the door repeatedly so I knew they heard me and when they opened the door I ran in. And explained what had happened they took me to the police station.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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