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Heyy besties. got a new story for you! Still getting used to writing fanfics so please excuse my cringe story haha. 

please enjoy and let me know what you think x

remember to vote and comment :) 

love ya'll 

I wake up to the smell of bacon and that strong aroma of coffee. Grace and Halle must be awake then. The three of us have been roommates since our first year at University. We are now just finishing our last year. We finished our final exams two days ago so now we are free from studying and we are going to have some fun before we have to move out and live our lives. 

Both Grace and I are art and photography majors while Halle is doing fashion. I've always loved art as a child and I started taking an interest in photography a few years before I went to Uni. I want to travel the world and take photos of everything and everyone. Hopefully one day I will become a well known photographer.

It's currently around ten in the morning. We don't have lectures to day so the girls and I decide to make it a chill day. we're in the middle of June so it is boiling outside and that happens once in a blue moon in the UK. I throw on my bikini and go tan on the balcony since there is no beach near us. I got a chilled lemonade in one hand and my phone in the other. I'm one of those girls who are a bit obsessed with Instagram. I feel like I'm some sort of influencer showing my followers what I do in a day. it's a bit cringe but I don't care. I take a quick selfie with me in my sunglasses sipping my lemonade and post it to my story.

 "Laura, stop taking selfies and get ready" Halle shouts all the way from the kitchen, I swear it's as if she has a megaphone that's how loud she is. "get ready for what?" I have no idea what's going on.

"we are going to get wasted tonight. Get your ass up and get sexy" she smacks her ass as a joke. Out of the friend group, she is definitely the one who gets the most. Grace is similar but not hard core. I on the other hand, am not a fan of going out but it is fun still to get loose but I don't kiss every guy I lay eyes on. "okay okay. Chill I'm going" I rush to my room to shower and get ready.

We only needed to leave way later so I just chill in my room, watch movies, read books and take a small nap. I am so exhausted from studying for my finals. It's now around six o' clock and I decide to shower and get ready for tonight. An hour later I am finally ready. I couldn't decide on what to wear so I just went simple with some jean shorts and a red crop top and paired it with my now dirty white converse. I didn't want to go all out with makeup because I always have a breakout the next day, so I just went for mascara and eyebrows and some lip gloss. 

Grace and Halle always take their damn time so I need to hurry them up. The clock hits seven and we should head out. "Laura I am so happy you're coming out with us. Tonight is going to be fucking amazing!" Halle shouts in my ear, deafening me in the process. The taxi ride was quick and easy.

We all stumble out the car in our heels trying to be majestic but it's just not working. We haven't even had one drink and we already look drunk. We head inside the booming club, a bunch of sweaty bodies crowded on the light up dancefloor with the DJ playing his beats on the main stage. The bar is right at the back where a bunch of booths are, so that's where we make a bee line to. Grace and I go save us a seat in the booths, while Halle gets us some drinks. It hasn't even been two minutes and Halle comes back with a tray full of shots. Tonight it going to be eventful. 

"six shots each. Down them all. GO!" Halle looks like she is off the wagon already, she probably sneaked in some shots before she got to the table. We salute each other as a tradition and we start taking the shots one by one. By the third shot, I feel like I'm about to throw up but I carry on anyways. I should get loose tonight. Have some fun after some terrible exams.

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