The Bus Stops Here

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Aloha Earthlings! 

I am back and alive and caffeinated (which is probably a blessing for everyone). As we all know, I love Tim Hortons and there's almost always a Tims mention in my novels because I'm just a regular Canadian girl, with a coffee obsession.

Anyways, I teamed up with Wattpad and Tim Hortons to create a #TimsColdBrewStories story, inspired by Tim Hortons' new smooth and velvety Cold Brew beverage! Are you excited yet? 'Cause I'm already freaking out! *Faints*

*Regains consciousness* Okay, okay... Not only do I get to share another cute short story with you, but you can write one too! Tap into your imagination and enter the writing contest by June 8th at 11:59pm. You can find the #TimsColdBrewStories contest here or the @TimHortons profile:'t wait to see what you come up with!

Madison and I first learned to take public transit when we started high school. The bus ride home took around 15-minutes if traffic wasn't heavy and right in front of our stop was a Tim Hortons shop.

It became a habit of ours to stop by and grab drinks every Friday afternoon, in celebration of tackling another school week. However, our little tradition started to take a turn when Kian Melendez moved to town in the 11th grade and Madison decided that we'd get coffee every time he got coffee...and he got coffee every day. Let's just say that I developed a caffeine addiction to fulfill, every day at 3 o'clock...

She pushed passed me, racing to the line-up so that she could stand behind Kian and start a conversation. They started to talk, leaving me to stand awkwardly behind her, playing a game on my cell phone. Suddenly, there was an unexpected tap on my shoulder—a boy whom I recognized from school, but never got off at this bus stop.

"Hey Michelle," he said with a friendly smile.

For some reason, I couldn't remember his name, not even the first letter. I couldn't even remember where in school I had seen him. He wasn't in my classes, right? Was he on the basketball team?

I smiled back. "Hey. What's up...Pal?"

Pal? Seriously? I could've run away then, but I wouldn't have been able to get through my three assignments without my daily dose of caffeine...

His brows furrowed but I assumed that he just thought of me to be tired.

"Anyways," he continued, "I'm doing this pay it forward thing and I wanted to pay for your order. So, what do you order?"

"That's really kind of you. I always get a medium Vanilla Cold Brew," I said simply.

"You're easy to please and I respect that," he said, and I didn't know if that was supposed to be insulting. "But it's a nice Monday afternoon and the perfect day to try something new."

"Like what?" I asked.

"My type of Cold Brew has to have a little kick," he stated, snapping his fingers. "I always add some chocolate milk, a pump of chocolate syrup and whipped cream to top it off."

I figured, if Madison could change her go-to order for a random crush, I might as well try another take on my drink. It was bad enough that I couldn't remember this person's name and he already offered to pay so...

"Fine. I'll try your order."

We got the drinks, and I was met with the wonderful feeling of being caffeinated again. "This is actually good," I said. "It's creamy, slightly sweet, and the chocolate flavour is perfect—"

I stopped, looked to my drink and back to him, remembering who he was. Jesse Meyers. His name was Jesse Meyers and yesterday at school I debated that chocolate was the inferior flavour.

He smiled brightly at his victory. So, that was why he got off at our stop. 

The Bus Stops Here: #TimsColdBrewStoriesWhere stories live. Discover now