6. lazy day

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Groupchat: The powerpuff girls
From Eves: hey guys, wanna hang today??
From Mase: sure. also what's with the new gc name
From Eves: 'besties' is too basic Mase🙄
From Mase: boo you whore
From Eves: stop quoting mean girls, so not cool🙄
From Mase: stop rolling your eyes at me, so not cool
From Eugene: hey guys
From Eves: hey Liam, u down to hang today?
From Eugene: sure, you can come over my place if you like
From Eves: perfect what time??
From Eugene: anytime after 10:30
From Eves: i'll be there by 11
From Mase: i'll be there by 12, i've got some things to do
From Eves: what things👀
From Mase: not of your beeswax
From Eves: don't appreciate the secrecy but ok ig🙄
From Mase: don't roll your eyes at me woman🙄
From Eves: don't keep secrets from me then🙄
From Eugene: wait are you picking it up today?
From Mase: yep
From Eves: what are you picking up today?
From Mase: nothing
From Eugene: nothing
From Eves: fine, keep your secrets I don't care
From Eugene: good
From Mase: good
From Eves: so what are we doing today then Li?
From Eugene: i was thinking video games?
From Eves: ew
From Eugene: how dare you!
From Eves: kidding, Mason used to make me play roblox all the time
From Mase: Evie that's a secret!
From Eugene: roblox seriously Mason
From Eves: do you get why I said 'ew'
From Eugene: totally! Mason i'm ashamed
From Mason: sorry guys but that games pretty good
From Eves: i'm more of a minecraft kid ngl
From Eugene: same..
From Mase: way to make me feel like a 3rd wheeler
From Eugene: stfu
From Eves: stfu
From Eves: anyways what else are we going to do, do i need to buy anything?
From Eugene: we could make something?
From Eves: you want to bake brownies?
From Eugene: Yes!!
From Eves: wow don't show to much enthusiasm
From Eugene: can you buy ingredients then?
From Eves: totally
From Eugene: see you at 11 then
From Eves: see you then x


"Jackk!" I hollered  "Yes Eviee!" he hollered back. "I'm going outt!" I shouted whilst walking into the kitchen where he was stood "where and with who" he asked "i'm going round to Liams, we're having a lazy day- hence the sweatpants" I smiled "who else is going to be there" "Mason" I said. "Ok sweetie have fun, and don't do anything irresponsible" he said. "Don't worry I won't" I said before walking to the front door.

After stopping by the corner store, I made my way to Liams. I arrived at 11 exactly, knocking on the door and waiting for Liam to open it and welcome me, yet it wasn't Liam that opened the door. "Evie. What a wonderful surprise" Liams mom smiled before letting me it "David looks who's here" she shouted into the living room. "Hello Jenna, hi doc" I smiled as he walking into the hallway as the exact same time Liam came bouncing down the stairs. "Evie hi, let me take that from you" he said taking the bag out of my hands and disappearing into the kitchen. "What're you doing her kiddo" Dr. Geyer asked me "lazy day" Liam replied before taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen "me and Liam are gonna make brownies" I smiled at his parents, finding his attitude slightly rude. "Oh well in that case me and Dave are going out for a couple of hours, have fun kids" Jenna smiled "yeah thanks mom" Liam said before they left the house.

"Sorry about that, they have this weird obsession with me and you. It's complicated" he sighed "don't worry about it" I smiled before taking the ingredients out of the bag "I got us a recipe" I smiled as Liam took about a couple bowl and placed them on the side. "Ok what first?" he asked me "first, music" i smiled at him cheekily before leaning over him and putting the stereo on. He grabbed my hips and started dancing with me making my laugh and sway along with him.  Turning around in his grasp so my back was pressed up against him front, I led us over to the island in the middle where the oven was. Bending down, I rubbed my arse up against his crotch innocently as I preheated the oven. "You're cheeky you know that" he said once I was stood up straight again. "But I didn't do anything" I giggle before reaching over for the flour to begin measuring. I've never made messier brownies before, me and Liam were covered in flour, giggling away and dancing to the music as the oven timer ticked down waiting for the brownies to cook.  'The time of my life' came on by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes. "Oh my god dirty dancing" I shouted in Liams face "wait what" he asked quizzically. "No don't tell me you haven't seen it!" I scolded whilst pointing a wooden spoon in his face accusingly. "Nope, never" he smiled at how shocked I was. "Liam Eugene Dunbar. You haven't lived! That's it we're watching that tonight." I said seriously "Ok ok don't hurt me with your wooden spoon" he laughed "Hey this wooden spoon can do some real damage" I laughed along before chasing him around the kitchen. He then slipped on some flour and went flying, sending me falling right on top on him.

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