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Olivia's P.OV
Today I was going with Beth oitside to the garden to help plant some seeds Tyresse found on his last run with Daryl and Rick. "Wanna play a game?" Beth asked me. "Sure" I smiled at her. "Alright so we take turns asking each other questions and we just give simple answers ok?" "Alright" "Ok, What is your favorite color?" "Purple" what would be a good question for Beth? Oh I know. "How long have you been singing?" "I began singing when I was ten years old." "Whats you favorite thing to do?" Easy. "I love reading and listening to music." After going on and on asking questions we finally finished and went inside to wash up seeing as yesterday they found shower rooms. So I am going to go and take a shower and get all this dirt off of me and put on some fresh clothes.
Carls P.O.V
Beth came in my call and told me we had some time to talk cause Olivia is taking a shower. And I was going to leave right after she let me know so I could get it for her soon and not have to worry. "Alright Beth what did you find out about her?" "Ok, her favorite color is purple, she loves reading and listening to music, she is more of a girly type so if you get clothes make sure kts kind of girly, she wears make up sometimes, and she loves converse the shoe brand." Wow Beth got more information out of her than I thought. "Thanks Beth." "No problem" "I will be back soon im leaving now with my dad and Daryl."
Olivia's P.O.V
After getting out of the shower I walked into mine and Carls cell and found a note.
Olivia I will be back soon I left to go on a run for some supplies for the prison. Be back soon.
Love, Carl
Alright. So now I need to find a way to occupy myself, I decided to write in my diary I haven't done that in a long time. I grabbed my pen and walked over to the bed and got my diary from underneath the bed and started writing.
After writing for awhile I decided to go back and read some of my old entry's in my diary their was one that caught my eye. It was the one from the first time my mom and dad had gotten into a fight when my dad was drunk,I hid in my room the whole time with my older brother Dillion. Their was another entry from January 18,2014. The first time I tried to hurt myself but my brother found me. I had cut myself and my brother had found me unconscious and took me to the hospital as fast as he could. He got their in perfect timing because if he was any later then I probably would not have made it.
Thanks for reading might update again later today. Please comment,vote, and follow me if you haven't already. Thanks~Angel xxxxx

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