Chapter 5: The Family Gathering

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Lily's POV:

I heard a knock at the door, and daddy walked in "Come on Lily. Gregory is waiting. He was kind enough to offer us a lift, and you are lazing in bed. What happened to being responsible and getting yourself dressed"
I groaned and sat up "Daddy, that was a lie to earn me a few more minutes in bed. You should have guessed. I can't even reach my clothes, let alone get dressed myself." He sighed, and helped me get dressed.

We hurried down the stairs, and I tripped. But, before I hit the ground, daddy caught me with his free hand. We calmly walked out to the minivan, and got into our seats.

It was Greg's minivan, and he was coming to meet grandma and grandpa with us. Greg and Daddy sat in the front. Me, John and Sherlock were in the back. Sherlock was in the middle, probably to stop him from leaving.
I am glad that Greg is sitting in the front with daddy. I think they would make a cute couple. Greg blushes a bit whenever he sees daddy- and daddy does the same with Greg- but no-one else notices.
Anyway, Greg pulled onto the main road, and I was starting to get a bit nervous. I must have whimpered, because daddy said to Sherlock "Hold her hand, she hates rides on the motorway." And Sherlock obliged. Daddy smiled at me, but I couldn't smile back. I was too scared.

Sherlock would squeeze my hand every so often, and it made me feel a bit better. My tummy was starting to hurt as well as my head. "Daddy," I whispered, but he heard me "What is it dear?" He sounded concerned "My head and tummy hurt" John passed me a bottle of water "Here, drink this slowly." He told me, and I started to take small sips.

The rest of the journey went by pretty fast. I might have fallen asleep, because I woke up to being lifted out of the car by Greg. He passed me to daddy, who felt my forehead. "You're quite warm dear." He told me. No shit, Sherlock' I thought "Maybe having a nap will do you good." I rolled my eyes at his comment "Daddy, that's what I was doing this morning." Sherlock laughed at my rising sass levels "Definitely tired" he smirked as he knocked on the door.

The door swung open to reveal an older couple. Must be my grandparents. "Sherlock, dear, come in and introduce us to everyone." We walked inside and sat on the sofa. I was on daddy's lap.
"Well- mother, father-" Sherlock addressed his parents "This is Dr John Watson, my flat-mate," He pointed at John, who waved politely "And this," He pointed at Greg "Is DI Gavin Lestrade."
"Don't be stupid- his name is Greg. You're so silly, Uncle Sam" I commented, and earned a few laughs from around the room
"It's Sherlock." My uncle muttered
"Sorry, what was that, Stacey?" I giggled

"And this must be Lily." My grandfather spoke up for the first time since us coming in "Yes father." Daddy confirmed "And you, little miss," he was speaking to me now "Should have a nap. It will make you feel better. Might cure your headache," "And fix your attitude." Sherlock added in.
I rolled my eyes and dragged out my answer "Noooooooo. I don't wanna. No." Daddy sighed "Its 'don't want to', dear. Not 'Don't wanna'. But you are going to have a nap." "Nope" I popped the 'p', "Not tired. You can't make me, old man" John comically gasped, and Greg laughed

"That's it. No dessert unless you go to sleep." Daddy countered, and I scowled at him "Fine. Wasn't gonna eat anyway." "Fine." He agreed, and I got off his lap, and went over to Greg.
It was a silly act of defiance, but it really annoyed him. Greg sat me on his lap, and I wouldn't look my father in the eyes.

A few minutes later, I had my eyes shut- pretending to be asleep. I felt myself being lifted up, and I kicked whoever it was. "Ow, I thought you were falling asleep." It was Sherlock. I opened my eyes, and he put me down.

"Lily," Daddy groaned "We're not eating for another hour. Just take a 10-minute nap, please." I rolled my eyes again, and scowled again "As I previously stated, you cannot make me sleep. As much as you would enjoy it."
"Lily May Holmes you will listen to me and take a nap." He was getting mad now. "You are tired and ill and need rest." Grandma and Grandpa walked in, and I yelled "Stop being mean! No! I'm not gonna take a nap!" And I ran out. I had made it outside when I was lifted off the ground, kicking my captor.

"Sorry kiddo, can't let you run away like that." It was John. I let him carry me back to the living room, where I found that daddy and Sherlock were gone. John sat down, and held me in his lap
"Your father had to go outside, claimed you were 'being impossible, like a younger Sherlock.' After he said that, Sherlock followed him out to irritate him." Grandpa explained, and I nodded.

I was a bit sad; I didn't mean to make daddy cross.
I didn't show my discomfort, but Grandma must have sensed it, because she said "He'll be back in 2 minutes at the most. That's how long he can put up with Sherlock alone for. By then, he will have come inside and almost forgotten what happened. It would help if you were asleep." I shook my head, but yawned at the same time. Not helpful.
I was passed over to Grandma, who was sat in a rocking chair. She began to rock back and forward and- even though I tried to fight it, I soon fell asleep.

And I had a nightmare, just like I knew I would


I was sitting in a minivan with Mummy, Daddy, Sherlock, Anthea, Mark, John, Greg, Grandma, and Grandpa. We were driving down the motorway. I sighed dramatically, complaining of being bored. Then, I pointed out a squirrel. Mummy- who was driving- turned to look.
There was a lorry. The driver must have been drunk, because her swerved for no reason, and crashed into us.
I was then standing in a hospital in front of all their beds. The lines on the monitors went flat, letting out a screeching noise. I cried and screamed.
It was my fault. If I hadn't pointed out that squirrel in the dark night. I was stupid. It was my fault they were dead.
I saw a pair of headlights and woke up with a scream.

*End of Nightmare*

"Lily!" My daddy rushed in "You okay, darling? What happened? Why are you crying?" He was closely followed by the others. I was sitting alone on the rocking chair. I started sobbing, and tried to explain "I told you. I told you I didn't wanna sleep. You didn't listen. Adults never listen! It hurts so much. It was my fault. You all died, she died again and it was my fault. It was so bright and loud and-"

I was interrupted by daddy's arms wrapping around me, lifting me up and carrying me over to the sofa. He sat down, and I leant into his shoulder, my tears soaking his nice suit. He was gonna be mad. I know he's gonna be mad. I was still crying when he began stroking my hair.

"You could have told me why you didn't want to sleep. I would have listened then. I am sorry, Lily, I didn't know." He whispered, and Sherlock gasped "Did you just apologise. Never thought I'd see the day." He mocked

"And I never thought I'd see you apologise. Maybe this kid has changed you both for the better." Greg hissed, jumping to daddy's defense.

There was a moment of awkward silence, before I heard a knock at the door "Pizza!" John and Greg exclaimed- like children- as Grandpa went to the door. It was, indeed, a pizza guy.

*He was studying for a degree in... Chemistry. Is in a long-term relationship and has 2 dogs + a goldfish*.

I rushed to the table, and tucked into the pizza. There was a pepperoni pizza, and a Hawaiian pizza, along with a veggie one. I ate 2 slices of each, and drank a glass of coke- without saying much.

-Time Skip: 2 hours later-

Sherlock’s POV:

Lily has been really quiet since her nightmare. After a couple of hours of small talk, we got back into Gavin’s vehicle and drove away. My niece fell asleep almost immediately, and is yet to have a nightmare. I let my mind wander to my latest case- a Triple-Murder/Suicide. Boring I know, but it is all George had available.

Although Mycroft's reaction to me following him out for a cigarette was hilarious, I have no desire to do a 'family gathering' again any time soon. My parents still have a lot to ask for, and I think Mycroft's file may grow as Lily does.

[A/N: Bit of a short chapter today. Sorry for the long wait- I've been quite busy with school, and struggling with writers block for both my stories. I'll try to start updating a bit more]

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