First day of senior year

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September.1.1999 (7:30 am)
Dear journal,
I'm a tad bit embarrassed to be doing  this,however my father thought it woul be a great way to relieve "senior stress".That could seriously be a load of SHIT!! Anyways, other than that I'm pretty excited to start. I'll get back to you soon
The one and fucking only,
Grisha Jaeger

  "GRISHA JAEGER!" There goes Mr.Pixis again. "HOW IS MY FAVORITE STUDENT IN THE WHOLE WIDE-" quickly cutting off his teacher "Pixie, you've done this for 4 years. It's the same old shit just a new year." There had been a long pause and awkward silence "You're ANYWAYS! We have some new students joining our class today, I was thinking that you could show them the ropes. Ya know a  tour." Dragging out the or, "Well,I can do that. So what's their names?" Pixis had quickly responded "Dina Fritz and Carla Jean." Again another awkward moment of silence. Grish had quickly sat in his seat waiting for the arrival of his new classmates.
Ok, Journal
I'm back,Pixie (AP biology teacher) asked me to guide these new students. Why the hell did he have to ask ME of all people!? Why couldnt he ask Keith or hannes. Today is gonna be a total bust. Anyways I have to get back class is about to start

" Ok class, Before me start we have some new students! Please welcome Carla Jean and Dina Fritz to our class and school! And dont be assholes!Carla and Dina how about you two introduce yourselves?" After Pixis' introduction Carla stepped forward "Hello my Name is,I'm from Shiganshina and I'm just happy to be here" finishing off her introduction she'd taken a seat at grisha's table.
   Then came Dina's,she was alot more shy than Carla "hello my Name is Dina and my from liberio" Similarly to Carla she took a seat at Grisha's table. "Um Hi my name is Grisha" He'd put out both of his hands for them to shake, both shook them almost immediately as he put his hand out. Dina had been the first to speak "Nice to meet you Grisha" while Dina spoke just barely above a whisper "Nice to meet you as well" "Well,while you were up in the front I noticed That you said you were from Liberio." He'd said turning his head towards Dina. "Well uh yea?"
  He'd noticed he had made her uncomfortable." Oh no need to feel uncomfortable, I just wanted to say I'm from there as well!" Letting his accent slip. Dina's face had lit up "That's really cool, I was scared people would make fun of me for it." her face had heat up after the confession. Carla had chimed in soon after " That's really cool, maybe you guys can tell me about it."
  Her smile had been warm and inviting, "Yes, definitely! I have some food my mother made if you would like to try later today." The three teens continued to speak amongst themselves until class had started.
   Grisha had been amazed by these girls, both had been extremely smart and efficient with their work. He was looking forward to hopefully becoming friends. Grisha wasnt the most popular amongst people his age, His nose was often the center of attention there for leading to bullying. He had been confident about his face,until he had entered his freshman year. He knew first hand how cruel and judgmental his peers could be.
  Before the school day ended, the three had already exchanged  home phone numbers and arranged plans to hang out during the weekend. It's safe to say today had been the best day of school Grisha had in a long while.
  "You look happy today" His mother had a tiny of suspicion in her voice. "I just had a great day, that's all" and on that note he had went up into his room and pulled out his journal.

You wouldnt believe it! I made friends!!!! Their names are Carla and Dina, and check this out Dina is from the same country as me! Liberio, Germany!! Her mom makes great food as well, Carla is really nice too. I hope I dont sound like a creep when I say this but the both smell really good. They have single handedly changed my entire about the school year
The one and fucking only,
Grisha Jaeger

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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