An Unexpected Guest

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Thunder clapped overhead as she lifted the steaming teacup to her lips. Alice Sheridan was visiting her good friend, Charlotte Browne, in her remote country dwelling. Even though they had been friends for 15 years, this was the first time Alice had ventured out to her friend's home as the buses never went far enough; the closest stop was 2 kilometres away. 

When she had arrived a few hours prior, in her beaten up silver Ford, the gloom of the storm hadn't descended, but as soon as she had removed her coat, the first bolts of lightning were seen over the fields.

Now, as they were sitting comfortably by the crackling fire, the rain was pounding against the windowpanes and the thunder was booming incessantly above the clouds. There was the occasional flash of lightning to be seen, illuminating the sky as the two women spoke. 

"It feels like forever since we've done anything like this!" said Charlotte, excitedly.

"I know! I can't believe I haven't visited your house before," smiled Alice. 

"There's a few spare rooms upstairs if you want to stay," said Charlotte, with a sly smile.

Alice glanced warily through the misty windowpanes and out at the bitter storm. "I think that would be best," she agrees, with a laugh.

Charlotte stood up to close the heavy velvet drapes and just as she situated herself back into the plush armchair, they heard a rather frantic knock at the large oak door. Alice looked quizzically at Charlotte. 

"Are you expecting anyone else?" she asked.

Another knock rung through the house.


They heard the shrill ringing of the doorbell being pressed, and a man's voice. 

"Hello? Is anybody home?"

Charlotte threw a confused glance Alice's way and walked across the soft rug to the door. The key turned in the lock and the door swung open to reveal the silhouette of a man, water dripping from the rim of his fedora.

"Terribly sorry to intrude, but might you have a spare room?"

The man spoke in deep, dulcet tones and had a very noticeable English accent.

"You see, my car broke down and I couldn't help but notice there aren't many houses around, or anything, for that matter." 

He was right. There wasn't another house for miles.

Charlotte hesitated, but as soon as she saw the fork of lightning flash overhead, she ushered the stranger inside. 

"You must be freezing! Let's get you some tea and some clean clothes, how does that sound?"

The stranger smiled, showing two rows of pearly white teeth.

"That would be wonderful, thank you."

Charlotte busied herself with the tea and clothes, while Alice was left to entertain their unexpected guest. She took his coat and hat, which had both contributed to to the pool of water on the hardwood floor, over the warm radiator. Charlotte came bustling out into the hall with a pile of clothes in her hand. 

"There you are. You can change upstairs. First room on the right." She offered him a warm smile, which he returned. 

He disappeared up the stairs and the two women curled back up on the couch and resumed their conversation, but with a new topic: Him. 

"I wonder what he's doing out here?" wondered Charlotte. "Maybe he's lost."

"Probably," agreed Charlotte. It was a miracle she hadn't gotten lost on her way. The roads were a maze!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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