1: meetings and introductions

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own SK8 the infinity or it's characters
Y/N lives with her father and his staff. She doesn't know her mother but she doesn't care much, as she has her dad and the staff. She goes to her dream school and is very happy. "MISS Y/N GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" One of the maids yelled from outside her bedroom door. "OKAY!" She yelled back. Her door was a medium thickness so the servants had to yell through it to be heard. A few minutes later she came out of her room in her school uniform and went downstairs. "I'm ready. Is father home today?" She asks. "I'm sorry miss. You father has left already. He said he loves you and wishes you a good day." Y/N's personal maid explains to her. "Okay, we can leave now."  "Yes miss" was all that was said till Y/N got to school. "Have a good day, miss." "Thanks Maria. Tell dad I'm going to walk home tonight." Y/N says with no emotion in her voice. "Yes young miss." With that the car drove off and left the young girl to herself. The bell rang and Y/N walked inside, instantly hearing whispers through the hall. "Omg! Is that Y/N!?" "I heard her dad owns a successful business he inherited." "She must think she rules the world. I mean, just look at the way she walks!" "Are you sure that's her? No one of HER status would want to come HERE of all places." "I wonder why she didn't chose the best private school in the country." Y/N was all to familiar with these type of remarks. She hears them everyday after all. As Y/N was walking she accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." "Its fine." She helped the boy up and found that he, was taller than her. "I'm Miya Chien" he introduced. "Y/N Shindo. Nice to meet you, chien."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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