You and five-Chapter 1(first person)

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Me and five have always had a close relationship. So you can only imagine how hard I took it when one day, he stupidly ran away. I never knew we're he went and a small part of me still thinks he'll never come back. I sit in my room reading "pride and prejudice" while my hand was holding the cup of tea pogo had made so thoughtfully. My legs crossed as a lay down on my creaky bed, propped up by three cushions mom had cleaned a night prior. My gaze was quickly changed to my door as it had been left slightly ajar. 'Is it five?' I wonder so vividly in my head. Overcome by hope and excitement, I place my cup down on my bed-side table and slide my book onto the foot of the bed. I slide my body to the right and slide of my bed slipping my shoes back on. I creep slowly and quietly to the door awaiting what's behind. I swing the door open- "BOO" screams klaus in a joking manor. "Jesus klaus, you scared the hell out of me" I say still with traces of after shock."oh (Y/N) come on, it was only a joke!" Says klaus in a mocking tone. I sigh in dissatisfaction knowing it wasn't five. "It's alright, I was going to ask what you wanted?" I say in a state of confusion. I leave the door frame and stand to the right letting klaus come in. "So I thought you would be particularly happy about this" he says with a grin. I roll my eyes, "what is it?" I say fed up with his nonsense. "Five is just downstairs, he came back". My eyes widen as I turn to the door and fling it open, my arms no-were near the handle. I run down the kept halls and mess up the carpets while I'm at it. Twirl around the post leading downstairs almost falling with excitement. I see him, I see him standing there with his hands in his pockets. A smirk rolls it's way across him face. I run to him and hug him. "Five! I've been so worried about you." I say hardly getting words out of my mouth. To feel his blazer and to know it's really him, I can't explain the happiness. He takes his hands from his pockets and hugs me back. "I got to caught up in his fantasy that i knew everything and that I had the ability to jump through anything" him sounding like his normal, egotistical self again. He draws back from the hug and looks me in the eye and smiles. I look around and realise the family was there the entire time. I gulp and slouch my posture in embarrassment, I clench my skirt. "You two were in you're own world there, sorry to interrupt" Diego says mockingly. "Diego don't be like that, they haven't seen each-other in years, they have a right to" Luther says jumping to my defence. "Come on guys, let's let them have their privacy" Vanya insists. The group follows Diego into the kitchen. Five waits patiently for the kitchen door to close, impatient. He then goes closer to me, I blush uncontrollably. He kisses me. Once the initial shock wore of I was able to do the same. He held the left side of my face with one hand and his right hand was placed on my back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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