At Kuromi's house

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Claire and Baku in unison: Kuromi-sama!

Kuromi: Hey, my followers!

Claire: We're here to talk about a shipping go you and Baku?

Kuromi: What the heck?! Why would I want to marry Baku?

Claire: The reason why was because you and Baku are together very often and one time you healed him when he was badly hurt!

Kuromi: Oh. I wasn't in love with him or anything! I was just being a good friend! That's what friends do after all!

Claire: Yeah! I have a video that shows proof about the shipping!

Kuromi: People think I have a secret crush on Baku? Not true!

Claire: Yeah! I'm the one who loves Baku!

Baku: Aww! You're so cute ~zona!

Claire: And you are cute too! He he he he!

Baku: You have a cute laugh! Doh ho ho ho!

Claire: You're laugh is cute too!

Kuromi: What are we going to do to promote the truth of you and Baku loving each other?

Claire: I know! Let's make a video to do it! We will also make it a sub video with us speaking in Japanese for us to sound even cuter!

Baku: Great Idea ~zona!

(They make the video)

Claire x Baku shipping storyWhere stories live. Discover now