Day 2

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AN: This is the last part. the story overall is short. I should also add that it's still a bit sad. but like I said it's fine.

Sam was laughing. He couldn't stop. For some strange reason, his pal was extra funny today. It was normal for Max to turn down girls from their school. But the way in which he did it today was too good.

At the very least Sam thought it was funny, and maybe just maybe a little cute.

Sam liked this new act, where a girl would approach Max. Then he would act as he likes her. But burst out in a rage of coughing and hacking as if he was actually sick.

It was comedy gold.

It was cruel, sure, but Sam loved it when Max had something funny to communicate.

Besides. It's not Max's fault that girls kept crawling to him and invading his space.

"Why are you laughing?"

The question from the small rabbit caught him off guard.

"Cause it's funny?" Sam started to realize that something was amiss when he looked at his friend.

He appeared to be out of breath, a tad bit boney and skinny, like he'd been throwing up. His eyelids sunk, he must have stayed up late worrying about something.

Sam, with concern written on his dog-like features, was about to question further until some girl tapped Max on his shoulder.

"Hey uhh... Max? I know we don't hang out much.. but prom is soon and I was hoping... we could maybe- not even- go together- but get a dance together? Just one?"

With a pleading smile, Max questioned

"Do you honestly think that we could be together? I'm not saying that to be rude but logistically speaking?"

The question stunned the girl; she seemed offended but at the same time intrigued.

"You know what? Who cares! It's you and me! Let's fucking dance together!"

It sounded so desperate and quick that the fit of coughing that followed after was the least concerning thing about the interaction.

The girl walked away now creeped out, losing all interest she might have had.

The pooch was about to ask if his little buddy was ok Until the school bell rang. But who cares about school if Max is hurt?

Sam picked up Max and began to head home. Under normal circumstances, he would have just taken the guy to the nurse, but the nurse had banned him from her office after he called her fat.

"How are you doing, buddy?"

The motion of walking was probably not good for the love-sick teen but this was an emergency.

A barely audible whisper could be heard

"Sam, stop"

And That was enough for the dog to drop everything and carefully rest Max against his book bag.

"What's wrong? You were fine yesterday! Is it that food granny gave you? I don't mean to be insulting but it wasn't very good-"

"No. Sam. I'm sick. I'm dying."

The Irish greyhound looked at him with his full attention. Enraged, hurt, and sad, he waited for Max to continue.

"It's called the Hanahaki disease. I was up late studying it... your grandma told me about it. She described it perfectly."

Max closed his eyes before he continued. These next words must be important. Max never studied for anything.

"I'm in love with somebody and if they don't return my feelings then I'm screwed. Apparently, it doesn't stop if I just confess to anyone."

So that explained Max's little joke.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you. I just found out yesterday"

This made Sam angry.

"You waited this long to tell me something so important?!"

The words tumbled out of him as he began to whine.

"I'm sorry! But I never have to tell you anything because you're always there for me!"

The statement would have been romantic if he was talking to a girl. Yet the words made Sam feel like somebody had forked out his insides.

"Well, you aren't wrong. Is that why you've been accepting every gal you see?"

Max nodded and coughed, blood leaked from his teeth as a petal fell beside him.

"Have you considered you don't even like girls?"

The question made the duo squirm. But it was important to consider.

"Have you?"

"You answer first"

"Jesus! Sammy! I'm about ta croke!"

The dog looked away for a minute


"Me neither, not until now."

What he had just said was true he liked girls but at the same time.

"I'm not allowed to like boy. I mean Boys. But I think I like them anyway."

Max didn't even say anything. The silence made Sam shift in his seat.

"Maybe that's not important... besides this isn't about me."

The rabbit wanted to linger on what Sam had just said. But decided to listen.

"How long do you think you have left?"


"At this rate? I'll be dead on this sidewalk."

The dog whimpers and almost immediately Max coughs some more. Petals flowing from his mouth. Max couldn't confess to anyone in a state like this. He could barely talk.

Sam hugged him, hoping he wasn't crushing his friend.

"Max, stop this, it isn't right.."

Was this it? Was his best friend really going to die on the sidewalk at age 17?


"You're going to die? Right now? aren't you?"

Sam never cries but this is an exception.

"I can't believe this! You were supposed to go out juggling chainsaws or fighting a bear! I know you better than this disease does! You don't even like girls!"

"You don't even like girls!"

"You! Like! me!"

The last part came out as a surprise. Sam was almost finished with his rant, as his lip quivered.

"I mean I think you do... at the very least I like you."

Max hugged Sam. Almost free from all his pain.

Then out of nowhere Max screams from the top of his lungs

"God it feels good to scream again!"

A fit of laughter erupted from the lagomorph. And a big slobbering lick was placed across Sam's face.

"What was that for?"

"Payback for yesterday!"

Max then held his head looking dizzy.

"Oh shit! I still have a migraine- I guess I'm still an insomniac. Whoops!"

It would take a while for Max to calm down but once he did. He and Sam would have a serious discussion about maybe-possibly-kissing each other.

Another AN: If you're seeing this, then you actually read it! Thanks for reading! Stretch your legs every once in a while or you'll get stiff. And most importantly drink water and stay safe. :)

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