Chapter 2

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Niall's POV.

I'm sitting at the table as I watch Louis and Harry being all cute. We're not sure if they remember the kiss. Yesterdag at the party we saw them kissing and I was quick enough to film some of it. I'm planning on showing it to them, but I'm scared of how they're going to take it. "Do you think they remember the kiss?" I ask at Zayn and Liam.

"I don't know. We can ask it, but just not about the kiss. Just improvise something." Liam says.

I nod and think for a bit. Then an idea comes into my head. I stand up and walk over to Harry and Louis.

"So what did you do at the party last night, apart from drinking?" I turn to Harry.

"Uh, I can't really remember." So he doesn't remember the kiss. "All I know is that I talked to Mason and Aiden about their life."

Mason and Aiden are good friends of us. They're a couple, for 3 years already.

"What about you Louis?"

"I don't remember it either." He says and plays with Harry's curls.


I walk back to the table and sit on it, still watching Louis and Harry.

"Ugh." Harry groans and puts his head in his hands. "My headache won't go away. I took the painkillers an hour ago!" Louis looks worriedly at Harry and rubs his back.

"I think you should rest for a bit, Haz. Come on." Louis wraps an arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Will you lay with me?" Harry asks looking up at Louis.

Louis smiles sweetly at Harry. "Of course."

Louis helps Harry up the stairs and I hear the door close.

"So.." Zayn says. "They don't remember. Should we show them the video?"

"Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe the kiss didn't even mean anything. I mean, Louis just broke up with Eleanor and he just wanted some comfort, doing it his way by kissing Harry." I look at him with raised eyebrows.

"You're seriously over-analyzing this Payno. Can't you see how they look at each other, like they're each others lifes! They're so in love!"

"Well, Harry did say Louis looked hot yesterday at the party." Zayn says. My eyes widen.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I thought he was joking, but then he walked up to Louis and they started kissing."

"Okay. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'm a Larry Shipper!" I say and put my arms in the air. They look at me like I just said the weirdest thing ever. "I can't help it." I say in defense.

Liam looks at his mobile and stares at it in shock. "Uh, guys? I'm going to Sophia for a bit." He says quickly and leaves the house in a rush.



Louis' POV.

I put in the movie Peter Pan and crawl into bed next to Harry. He cuddles into me. "I've missed this." He says. "Me too." While we were on tour we didn't have a lot of time to spend together. "How's your headache?"

"Mm, better." He says.

I smile down at him. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up before dinner."

"Kay." He lays his head on my chest and closed his eyes. I place a kiss on his head.

I watch as he falls asleep and snores quietly. A year ago I started having feelings for him, while I was dating Eleanor. I thought if I just kept on dating her then my feelings for him would go away. But it didn't. I can't look or think of him without getting this weird feeling in my stomach. And I always smile when he's being an idiot. When I saw the two Larry signs yesterday at the concert I just wanted to kiss Harry right in front of everyone. I didn't of course, Harry would be disgusted! When I was 16 I first thought that I was bi. I went to party's and thought some boys were cute and handsome. I only told my mum, but begged her to not tell anybody. Not even my sisters. I was scared of what they would think of me. I still am. I don't even want to know Management's reaction if I would tell them I'm bi. Shit. Management. How do I tell them Eleanor and I broke up?! In 2013 they told Harry and me that we couldn't sit next to each other with interviews anymore, scared that maybe the Newspapers and fans would think we were together. Some did though, but I can't blame them. We were very close, we still are. and in my opinion also very cute.

I sigh and continue watching the movie.


Half way into the movie Niall tells me dinner is ready and that Liam went to Sophia. I shake Harry carefully. He stirs and his eyes open. "Hey Haz, dinner is ready." He smiles and pulls the covers off of him.

I smile. "Let's go."

Once we're downstairs we start eating while Niall and Zayn whisper to each other.

Harry puts his hand on my knee, goosebumps forming on my body. I look up and see him smiling down at me. I smile back and can't help but get lost in his beautiful eyes.

The sound of a camera making a photo cuts me out of my trance. I shake my head and look beside me where Niall is grinning awkwardly with his phone in his hands. "Sorry couldn't help it. You were just so cute."

Harry laughs and takes another bite of his food. I sigh. It's all just a laugh for him.


"We're going to our own houses." Zayn says once we finished dinner and put the dishes in the dishwasher. He puts his jacket on. Niall and Liam do the same.

"Bye!" Harry and I say. Niall smiles at us. "Bye, Larry, enjoy each other!" He winks and runs away to his car.

I look confused. What was that about?


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- A.

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