His last words

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Ryo looked around him while holding Akira who he only now realized he was in love with, only now that its too late had he realized that all the destruction and pain was for nothing.

Really it was his fault for taking so long to realized what he truly wanted and what he truly wanted is now gone forever.

He despised humans for being codependent and weak.

Ryo didn't believe in love human feelings and emotions were unfamiliar to him, he believed that love didn't exist and therefore there id no need for sadness, but he would be lying if he said that he didn't suddenly feel a rush of unfamiliar emotions the moment he realized what he had done.

Ryo was wrong, love is real.

He cried and begged hoping Akira would answer, but of course he didn't.. it was his fault after all

Ryo begged to have Akira back, to have another chance to love him.

What he failed to realize is that he would see Akira again because he was doomed to have history repeat itself for eternity, God didn't only punish him by kicking him out of heaven no that would be to nice, he cursed him so he would have to hurt his lover for eternity over and over to no end.

Without realizing his fate ryo rested hid head on his lovers chest as tears feel down his eyes, he was crying something he thought he'd never do.

He held Akira close and spoke in a trembling voice overwhelmed by all the emotion he's currently feeling "Akira.. please speak, talk to me Akira please don't leave me! Im sorry Akira.. Is it too late now?"

Ryo never thought he would ever feel like this, he feels empty and.. sad, he should be happy but instead he's crying on top of Akira wishing that he would answer.

"You were right Akira, you were right about everything." Ryo paused a bit, he couldn't think logically it was as if his heart finally had enough.

"I love you Akira.. always have and always will"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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