Tu Manera

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Providence does not disappoint. Every single table is filled, and the decor is extremely tasteful.

And expensive. Yakko thinks, as the waiter hands both him and Minerva a menu.

“Along with those selections, there’s also an incredible Chef’s tasting menu, where the chef creates a unique dining experience for two.”

Minerva gasps in excitement, which isn’t even remotely dimmed when the waiter continues,

“Which is $225 per person by itself, $330 with wine, or $475 with premium wine.”

Yakko tries to say, “We need to think on it.”, as Minerva says at the same time, “We’re gonna do it!”

After sharing a look, Minerva plasters on a smile, then agrees, “Actually, he’s right. Give us a minute. Thank you very much.”

After the waiter walks away, Minerva looks around the restaurant again, gushing, “It’s like something straight out of a fairy tale.” then turns to look at Yakko, smiling in expectation.

Yakko leans in obediently, whispering, “Happy anniversary.”, which makes her moan.

“You are so adorable.”

That makes Yakko laugh, as he looks at the menu again, which is apparently an invitation for Minerva to bring up, “Did you get a look at the house I sent you?”

Yakko nods noncommittally, “Uh huh.”, but that’s not enough for her,

“So? What did you think?”

Yakko tries to placate her, “That’s your area, not mine.”

Minerva launches into her pitch, “Okay, so it doesn’t look like much now, but I sold a small handful of houses in that neighborhood just this month! It’s supposed to be the next ToonTown!”

Yakko nods, not exactly sure he’s following, but keeps listening as she goes on,

“I know it’s small and a bit of a fixer-upper, but we can do it! Think about it! Our own place! So we can start planning for the future!”

Yakko’s mouth suddenly goes dry, so he starts sipping his water, but that proves to be pointless when she says,

“And we can even turn one room into a nursery!”, and his first instinct is to do a perfect spit take, narrowly missing the waiter as he returns to the table.

“So have you decided?”

Yakko can’t even think about food right now, as he starts to get up, asking, “Actually, where’s the restroom?”

The waiter’s quick to direct him, so Yakko wastes no time getting up, tossing, “I'll be back.”, towards Minerva, then moving in the direction the waiter indicates.

Which is fine. Minerva’s waited this long, she can wait a little more. Right?

The second Yakko’s in the bathroom, he’s bombarded pictures of what has to be the chef, and as he approaches the urinal, he can’t resist the urge to roll his eyes.

“Can’t even take a leak without you staring at me?”

But that quickly moves to the back of his mind, as he actually starts conversing with one of the pictures,

“Wakko wasn’t kidding. Did you hear all that back there? But if I don’t propose now, I’d be the one getting the short end of the stick. But even if I do propose, I’d still be getting the short end.”

He shakes his head, “I know I’m insane, even for a toon.”, right as he hears a toilet flush.

On instinct, he turns his head towards the noise, to see who comes out, and if he thought this night was already crazy, that pales in comparison when he sees none other than the Penelope Pussycat walking towards the sinks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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