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Songs: All About It, Ed Sheeran / Girls, The 1975

:: Third Person ::


It was a hot day in Oakland, California. Devin and Brittney decided to stay in, Devin's air conditioned house. They sat in Devin's room, laughing and talking about boys.

"Dev, there's this app that the girls at school have been talking about. It's called "Parlor" it's where you talk to strangers. They said it's quite fun," says Brittney looking over at her friend who was looking at the tv screen.

"No, Brittney. Sounds dangerous. What if somebody like tracks us or something!" says Devin raising an eyebrow at her friend.

"Devin," groans Brittney.

"Fine, fine. I'll download this app," says Devin making her friend Brittney grin.

After it was downloaded, Devin started to make an account.

"My name is gonna be PunkassCobain," says Devin smirking.

"You are obsessed with Kurt oh my god," says Brittney shaking her head.

"He's my life, how about you shut the FUCK up," says Devin frowning and created her account.

Her profile pic was a pic of her from the beach last weekend.

"Whatever, pick a topic," says Brittney with her eyes widened on Devin's phone.

"Let's do love. We are gonna play some perverts," says Devin smirking and clicking on the "love" topic.

They wait for a minute and then they get a person. His name was Jailin Russo, they thought he was quite the hottie. He had blue eyes and plump pink lips.

Devin: Hello?
Jailin: Hey, Devin, right?
Devin: You got it right babe.
Jailin: So how old are you?
Devin: I'm 21, you baby? (She's actually 18)
Jailin: Damn, I'm 19.
Devin: Oooh, younging.

Devin hit pause.

"What do I say?" she asks blushing a bit.

"Say that your naked and horny," says Brittney smirking.

"Oh my god,"

"Just do it,"

Brittney unpauses the call.

Jailin: Hello, you still there?
Devin: Yeah, just reaally horny.
Jailin: Me too, baby,
Devin: Your voice is so deep and hot. It's making me horny.

Brittney tries to hold in her laughs and Devin does the same by squinting her eyes slightly.

Jailin: Your voice is hot too.
Devin: I'm naked and masterbating. Say my name again please.
Jailin: Devin...
Devin: *moans loudly* again, Jailin, again!
Jailin: Devin... shit this is hot.
Devin: Fuck I wish you were here. You sound like you have a big cock.

Brittney puts a pillow over her face.

Jailin: Yeah baby. How wet are you?

Devin ends the call and laughs hard with Brittney.

"Damn your good," says Brittney. "Next person we are facetiming with,"


After awhile they did a couple more calls and then they come across a boy with the name, "Radredhead"

Radredhead: Hello?

He had a strong Austrailian accent.

Devin: Hi, I'm Devin and you are?
Radredhead: Devin is a beautiful name, but name is Michael, but they call me bigdickclifford.
Devin: Oh my god. *laughs hysterically*
Michael: Hot right? I know.
Devin: Mhm, you got facetime?
Michael: Yeah, my number is ( inserts number )
Devin: Well I'm gonna facetime you, kay?
Michael: Okay, talk to you in a min babe.

Michael hangs up and she types in his number and saves it in his phone. Then she facetimes him.

"Heyyy," says Michael when they get connected.

Devin tried not to drool, the boy looked like a god. He had his eyebrow was pierced, blue eyes, and red hair.

"Damn, you're hotter than I imagined," says Michael smirking.

"Haha, thanks but hell no," says Devin laughing.

"What are you up to?" he asks igoring my comment.

"With my friend Brittney, you?"

"With my friend Preston. Aye bro say hi to Devin,"

"Heey there Devvviiinnn," says Preston, he had a thick Austrailian accent like Michael.

"Omg, hi Preston," I say giggling. "This is my friend, Brittney,"

"Hi Brittney!" says Preston and Michael smiling.

"So tell me about yourself, Mr. BigDickClifford," I say chuckling.

"Well I'm 18, I live in Austrailia, and I like rock music... You?"

"I'm 18 also, I live in California, and I like rock music too..."

"We have so much in common, except the Australia and California thing,"

"Yeah, we are so far away from each other!"

"Maybe we could meet each other one day,"

"Yeahh, so whatcha wanna talk about?"

"Tell me some more about yourself,"

Michael smiled and so did Devin.

They talked all night, leaving Preston and Brittney to sleep

"Babe, I'm tired. Call me tomorrow?" asks Michael yawning.

"Me too. Goodnight, baby," says Devin smiling.

"I love you," he says dorkily and Devin blushes.

"No you don't. Stop being perfect!" says Devin giggling.

"Whatever, you say, byeee!" he says waving and then hangs up.

Devin lays beside her best friend and smiles to herself.

"Had a good convo with BigDickClifford?" groans Brittney groggily.

"Yes, I'm in fucking love," says Devin closing her eyes

"No comment. Goodnight," she says turning over.

Devin rolled her eyes and then drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Was that okay? I don't like it as much but it gets better. :)

~ Michella ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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