Chapter 3: I Had Pancakes and Therapy for Breakfast

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TW: Implied Domestic Abuse

It was the next morning ever since Koro had shown up, he had slept in a lot longer than usual, which wasn't surprising when taking his panic attack from the night before into consideration. His attention was immediately taken to the fact Aguri wasn't beside him and could hear her in the kitchen already.

"Ah, What time is it?" He asked himself quietly as he looked at the clock that sat on the end table beside his side of the bed.

10:30 am

He yawned as he stood up, stretching his arms for a moment, and putting his small scholar hat back on. He hadn't gotten any new clothes yet and had slept in his usual graduation gown and a red vest with shorts hidden underneath. He stood there for a moment trying to wake himself up a bit more before he walked out of the bedroom to see Aguri.

"Good morning!" Aguri started.

"Good morning, Aguri! My apologies, I must have slept in longer than expected," The octopus rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Well you had a bit of a rough night," Aguri replied, "Are you hungry? I made us both breakfast."

"You mean...have breakfast, together? Like you and me together?"

"Yes? What did you think I mean?" Aguri seemed confused, tilting her head a bit.

"I'm just flustered, forgive me," He chuckled, "I've just never had someone do something like this for me, at least not in a romantic way. I mean I never needed it, I was always able to feed myself, but it just...feels nice to have someone do such a nice gesture for me," He paused for a moment, laughing nervously as he blushed an even brighter pink than before, "Ah, sorry I'm rambling again!"

Aguri walked over to him, tugging on his tie gently to pull his head down a bit to her level, kissing him on the cheek, "It's okay, I understand you. It's okay to talk about your feelings."

"Heh, thank you, Aguri," He sat down, blushing.

"Alright, sit down, I'll go grab our foo-"

Korosensei reached his tentacles from the table to the counter, grabbing Aguri's plate and setting it in her hands and grabbing the plate she made for him, all in a matter of a second.

"Oh! Nevermind then! Thank you, honey!" Aguri smiled, sitting down.

"Your welcome, I'm able to finish tasks at superhuman speeds and I wish to take some weight off your shoulders. If there's anything you need me to do ever, don't hesitate to ask!"

She blushed, appreciative of the offer. The octopus sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the table, the two talked about anything they hadn't talked about the night before while they ate, talking about the year they spent apart before being separated by one quick mistake.

"So sweetie, what did you do while you were waiting for your teaching job?" Aguri asked the octopus.

"Well, I had some leftover money from my previous...occupation, so I used that to hold me over food-wise while I made a deal with the government, plus they gave me a small place to stay while I waited for my first paycheck. Then after that, I rented my own apartment. The government was generous enough to offer me a place to stay for free, they even gave me macarons and sweets, but I preferred that my every move was not being watched by security cameras, " he answered.

"Why did you tell them that you blew up the moon when you didn't?"

"I uh...I didn't. They pinned it on me to cover up their own mistakes. I was basically forced to make a false admission to that crime. They knew my past, they knew I had no intention of blowing up the world by choice, that was all just an act to keep their corruption a secret. I was just their puppet."

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. I'm not surprised, my father is who gave Yanagisawa his position as a government scientist, both of those men are corrupt, always have been. I should know, I spent 25 years around one or both of them."

"It's alright, If I had gotten the chance before to give those men justice for what they had put you through, I would have," he sighed in annoyance, "It makes my blood boil knowing what they did to you."

"Pfft, it'll come to them eventually. I know my father loved me and my sister," Her voice changed to a more sorrowful tone, "It was hard to watch over him when he held my funeral. Seeing him and Akari cry when they looked into the casket broke my heart."

Korosensei stood up from the table and walked over to where she was sitting, just a few feet away, and hugged her tightly, "It's okay babe, I promise I'm never going to treat you with the same toxic qualities that either of those men did. I love you so much and you deserve the world, and I'm going to be here with you forever and give you as much of the world as I am able to."

Aguri's eyes watered a bit after what she had said, the octopus dragging his finger under her eyes gently to wipe her tears away while attempting to console her, "You said last night you'd be by my side as I went through the process of recovery from my trauma filled past, I am going to do the same for you. I'm not disappearing from your side."

"Thank you takoyaki, that means a lot to me."

"Of course, Ms. Yukimura."

The two had finished their plates by then, setting their dishes in the sink for later before walking back outside and wandering around outside their home, holding each other's hands.

"Oh! I started a garden!" Aguri jumped in front of him a bit, excited.

"Wait what is the ground made of?" The octopus questioned, surprised a person could even start a garden with the material.

Aguri shrugged, "some kind of soil I am assuming. We can make it look like whatever we want, I thought the glowing pink look was pretty over a pitch-black night sky."

"You are not wrong, it is very beautiful!" He gently picked Aguri up in his arms and smiled at her, "but not as beautiful as you."

Her cheeks blushed a bright red as she giggled at his cheesy flirtatious compliment, leaning the side of her head against his chest. He carefully put her back down, holding her hands to be sure she was able to keep her balance to prevent her from falling.

"Thank you, honey," she couldn't reach his face from her height and improvised by kissing his hand, "pfft I still gotta show you my garden!"

"Oh yeah! Sorry I got you sidetracked Nuruhuhuhuhuhuhuhu~!"

She guided him to behind the house where resided in a small flower garden, some of the plants still in the process of growing, others fully bloomed and swaying in the wind.

Koro stared in awe at the small but thriving garden, "Oh wow, you have kept yourself busy, huh."

"Haha, well you know me when I put my mind to something you know I'll do it!"

"You're very ambitious, it's an incredible quality and it can get someone a long way in life and in death it seems."

"Thank you," she smiled before walking back to the front of the house.

She sat down, facing the large glowing sakura tree before patting the ground beside her as a gesture to get Korosensei to sit beside her as they had before. He smiled before slithering over to her, situating himself beside her as she had seemed to request before wrapping an arm around her. She leaned into him, resting her head against his chest, able to hear his heart pound in his chest, something that was oddly comforting to her. He yawned before leaning towards her slightly, the two holding each other beside the other.

Aguri looked up at him, "Are you tired?"

His eyes were soft and beginning to appear half-closed, "Heh, a bit, I get tired after meals, digestion takes a lot of energy for me. It'll pass after a while. Sorry about that."

Aguri gently scratched the octopus's chin, "Pfft, don't apologize, you're fine."

"Alright, Nuruheheheh. I love you Aguri."

"I love you too, Koro."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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