Worthy of What?

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Am I worthy of love

Or was I given a curse

Of having a heart that is so big

No, it can't get any worse

My heart is too big

I've known that for years

I feel everything so deeply

I feel it in my tears

Am I worthy of love

Or have I been cursed

To always feel such pain

No, there's no way it can be worse

I love with all my being

But with love comes pain

Because when the love is not reciprocated

It feel like I'm covered in rain

Cold and empty

Nothing but a wet mess

But the rain too I love

Because why does that deserve to be loved less

At times I'm happy

Smiles and laughter shine through

But the pain it's always there

But that I always knew

Am I worthy of love

Or was I set up for pain

To bring others joy and love in life

But myself nothing to keep me sane

Because I love with everything inside me

I love till it hurts

I set myself up for failure

I gave myself this curse

Tears Like RainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora