it's about time

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・・:.。..。.:

meet me outside
we are going out

it's like 1am

your point is?
bring your guitar

fucking fine
one sec

the raven haired girl pulled her phone from it's resting place on her nightstand and gathered all of her things to meet up with the hothead. phone, guitar, jacket. she silently opened and closed her door, careful to not wake any of the other students occupying the class a dorms. once she got outside she noticed none other than the blonde himself waiting outside with his drumsticks in hand. she was expecting her other three band members to be outside as well but to her surprise it was just him.

"c'mon, i found this river spot not too far from here. let's practice and chill there" the blonde spoke up.

"ooo sounds fun, why are we alone? you trying to murder me?"

"haha. very funny. now let's go loser or i'm not showing you."

"okay, jesus, i'm coming!" the two band mates traveled their way to the secret spot katsuki claimed to know. he wasn't wrong, it was only about a seven minute walk. "wow, this is really pretty, blasty!"

"tch, of course it is. i found it" the cockiness dripped from his mouth. a normal person would've seen this as rude, but to kyoka it was something completely different. this was a sign that he was choosing to show her a special place to him. she considered herself lucky. he walked over to the water and dipped his hand in the water, being careful to drop his drumsticks lightly on the ground beforehand. "ah shit, that's fucking cold"

"no shit, dimwit. it's autumn."

"shuddup, smartass" he proceeded to take his wet hand out of the water and flick some of the excess onto kyoka's face. as soon as she did her light scoff, he knew he was done for. "jirou, no, spare me. i'm begging. i still have a life to live, i need to be the number one drummer! please, jirou!" he begged and pleaded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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