Start Again

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Listen, I'm not saying Shiro is a bad person. I'm saying he was a terrible father and that's just a fact, because look at canon! It's an absolute disaster when these twins are left on their own(Mephisto is a trash legal guardian, the boys are basically taking care of themselves and doing it terribly).

I hope y'all enjoy what I'm calling in my head Blue Exorcist, But I Fixed It, Added My Own Totally Plausible Headcanons, And It Also Might Be Gay(As In LGBTQ+ Friendly With More Queer Themes). We need Yukio to be an actual good brother, Rin to get some damn meds for ADHD, Better characterization, and for it to be less overwhelmingly hetero.


Yukio hadn't seen what happened in the Monastery with Rin and their father, but Shiro was dead and Rin was traumatized. It was clear Shiro had been possessed and there was only one demon who could manage that, so Satan had definitely been in the Monastery.

Rin had been kneeling over their father's bloody and battered corpse, silent tears streaming down his face and wide eyes seeing nothing under his thoroughly tousled fringe. He had dirt, blood, and splinters all over him and he'd clearly unsealed himself if the demonic features had anything to say for it.

Yukio had first checked on their father, just in case he might still be alive. No pulse. His body was already cold and stiff, so they'd been there for a while.

How long had Rin been kneeling next to their father's broken body, silently crying and clutching onto what was most likely the last thing Shiro and ever given him(that damned sword that Yukio had always hated, because it tied his twin's life to such an easily breakable thing, Shiro why would you–)?

Yukio couldn't imagine what it felt like having that cursed sword be the last thing you got from a man who chose to neglect you all your life until this night just because you found out you were the son of the most evil being in the world.

After checking their father, Yukio hesitated, but only for a moment. Then he kneeled and hugged his older brother to him. The sword clattered to the floor in the silence. Rin clutched onto his twin, scraped and splintered hands fisting in the soft tan sweater that he loved to borrow from the younger during the Winter.

Yukio's knees started to hurt and Rin showed no signs of settling down after whatever had happened before Yukio arrived, so he settled back onto the floor with his legs criss-crossed and Rin in his lap, sobbing into his shoulder.

Exorcists slowly made their way in and the clergymen emerged from the rubble and carefully moved Shiro's body. The act took longer than it should've because Rin had latched onto the deceased Priest's shredded cassock and refused to let go until Yukio convinced him that Shiro's body needed to rest somewhere more comfortable and get cleaned up.

It was almost like explaining the death of a family member to a child, but Yukio was patient. As much as he hated admitting it, Rin hadn't exactly been raised by anyone, he'd grown up on his own while Shiro trained the younger twin to protect himself and Rin in the future(it seemed now was that future, and how the hell am I gonna protect my brother in this situation).

Rin was allowed to be childish in instances like this one. He wasn't ready to let go of a father figure he'd so desperately wished would finally come around to love him as much as the man had seemed to love Yukio. He'd still been hopeful even after so many years of neglect, and that broke Yukio's heart just a little bit. He admitted that he had no idea what it was like to feel unwanted– everybody had always loved Yukio and appreciated him. Sure, he'd drowned in expectations along the way, but at least people wanted him around and believed in him. Rin had received the opposite– nothing. He was unwanted, unloved, and seemed a hopes case by most of their neighborhood by the age of five.

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