Getting to the end

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Dream: Alright go!

Dream runs off to a nearby village which sapnap and George are flabbergasted.

George: that's not fair. You can't start yet
Dream: I'm starting
Sapnap: Ugh, whatever. Let's just sex before I can beat the game

George and Sapnap start to sex

Dream: That's not fair! You guys have to have foreplay. It's in the rules
Sapnap: it's literally not but go off I guess

Dream finds full netherite chest in a village chest

Dream: What? No way. I'm so lucky. I didn't even know that would be there. What? I didn't even know a chest could spawn with that loot
Sapnap: Well it doesn't matter anyway because George and I are about to sex
George: Yeah, you're gonna lose because we sex so quick
Sapnap: For the record, I'm not quick. I don't know what George is talking about
Dream: Yeah sure
Sapnap: (angrily) iM nOt QuIcK!!!!!!!

Dream keeps running and finds an abandoned nether portal with 12 obsidian and a flint and steal. Meanwhile, George and Sapnap continue to sex

George: Cone on, Sapnap, put it in. He's already going to the nether
Sapnap: (angrily) iM tRyInG!!!!!
Dream: How did I already make it to the nether before you guys even started. I guess I'm just too lucky

Dream runs around the nether, mining gold while George and Sapnap sex. Just as Dream finds the portal, Tommyinnit joins the VC

Tommy: guys, I just wanted to ask what sex is
Dream: ha! I invited him so you guys couldn't sex anymore
George: that's literally not fair
Sapnap: yeah, that's gotta be cheating
Dream: how is it cheating?
Sapnap: how is it not cheating?
Tommy: guys? What's going on?
Sapnap: nothing Tommy
Tommy: alright, I'm gonna go continue to play the funniest Minecraft Mod with Philza, Wilbur, Ranboo, and Charlie

Tommy leaves VC as Dream leaves the nether with a stack of Eyes of Ender.

Sapnap: dude, how do you have so many eyes?
George: that's literally not fair. Sapnap won't even get hard
Dream: (wheezes)

Dream mines down and reaches the portal room

Dream: man, I'm so lucky. This is the easiest challenge
Sapnap: This isn't working. I can't get it up!
George: you're going to have to bottom
Sapnap: eww no. I'm not gonna bottom
George: then get hard
Sapnap: (angrily) iM tRyInG!!!!!

Dream puts all the eyes in the portal and is taken to the end. Victory seems within his grasp. As he runs the the main island, he sees a figure almost identical to him. The only difference is the colors of the Mexican flag are plastered on this doppelgänger

Mexican Dream: Hola, man

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