SEASON FIVE "Welcome to New Purgatory"

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Disclaimer: I believe we will see a season five #bringWynonnahome, but in the mean time,I cope by writing what could be. This is just my conscience and my way of a fun way to keep my love for the show going. Hope you read it, give feedback (love that) and most of all Earp on.


Shortys Bar:
"You know I wasn't much of a drinker." a strong country accent announced throughout the space as Wynonna looked over. In front of her a dirty shot of whiskey and around her Shorty's bar empty, except for an older gentleman. He had a fine mustache and on his chest bright and shiny was a star shaped medallion.
"I guess it's a good thing, I am." She said guzzling down the shot before her. "Dream whiskey always taste better." She added with a grin. "Now might I be in on the reason why you and ghostly others keep invading my dreams?" she asked. "The curse is over and I'm happy and fine, and married to my husband."
"Oh, I'm fully aware of your happiness with my snake of a best friend."
"He's not a snake."
"For God sakes, you're my great great great great great great great great grand daughter and I reckon I still have some reservations about my best friend marrying you."
"Well you're eight greats too late...and a ninth great granddaughter as well."
"Look, I don't mean to get off topic. I came here to let you know that in every gunslinger's life."
"Wait a minute" Wynonna laughed. "are you literally getting ready to give me some kind of a Buffy Slayer intro monologue."
"What's a Buffy?"
"Yeah ok..." realizing Wyatt had no clue. "continue."
"In every gunslinger's life, there comes a time when they must bury their guns and make their peace."
"I've made my peace."
"Weren't you listen woman, you're an heir, not a gunslinger."
"So, I'm not a gunslinger. Hmmm, well tell me again who ended the curse?"
"Oh, why look for a who when you know the what."
"Why does your kind always speak in riddles?" she turned her head and found Wyatt was gone. "You know this is real fuc" suddenly Wynonna awoke. Suddenly Doc entered dressed into their room, with a girl of eight years old.
"Wynonna, we're going to be late if we don't leave soon." He added as the little girl with him ran and jump in the bed beside Wynonna.
"Yea, Wynonna." The little girl added.
"Hey, it's Mom to you." Wynonna said tickling the girl.
"Aunt Waverly is going to be so mad." The little girl added.
"Aww she'll be ok." Wynonna added.

MAYORS OFFICE: "I'm not ok." Waverly added. "It's all too much fuss." Waverly added sitting on the edge of a desk in a small office as Reggie stood in a suit with a clipboard.
"But the towns people wanted to do something to celebrate your historical win over Bunny."
"And I just want to get started in continuing the success of our inclusive community."
"Which you will, and have always done, that's why we celebrate." A voice stated. Immediately Reggie and Waverly looked over to find Nicole dressed in a Sheriffs formal civic wear.
"Sheriff Haught." Reggie said nodding.
"Hey Reggie, can you give me and Mayor Haught, a moment?"
"Sure." He responded leaving out of the office and shutting the door.
"Can I say, how sexy you look in your formal civic attire?" Waverly said coming over and messing with the golden buttons that went down Haughts suit.
"Of course, Mayor Haught." Nicole added, as Waverly grinned. "But permission to speak as your wife." Nicole added taking off her Stetson and placing on the desk nearby and embracing Waverly. "I'm so incredibly proud of you and all this, this celebration is warranted. I know you think it shouldn't but what we've done, all of us who stayed have built has been remarkable."
"That is because of your wonderful leadership."
"Well, my wife has equally lead and now, she's the newly elected Mayor of Purgatory and I get to present her to the townspeople as such and celebrate her." Nicole replied pulling Waverly into a kiss.
"I think you have become a master at knowing what to say and when to say it." Waverly replied with a grin. "and I love you for that." Waverly added.
"Oh really, so things like..." she said pulling her closer into her embrace. "let's get this celebration over with and tonight..." she then began to kiss Waverly passionately forcing Waverly back against her desk. As Waverly's eyes stayed closed still in the kiss, Nicole moved back studying Waverly face. She then grinned and grabbed her Stetson, she placed it on her head. As Waverly finally opened her eyes, she looked at Nicole for more but Nicole just walked towards the door. She stopped and turned back with a sly grin. "will celebrate." She suggested. Waverly grabbed a piece of paper and started to wave her flustered face.

SEASON FIVE "Welcome to New Purgatory"Where stories live. Discover now