Chapter 2: SEASON FIVE "Home Fires KeepBurning"

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EpiFic 2: Season Five- "Home Fires Keep Burning"

As Nicole drifted down a foggy river in a small rowboat, she felt disoriented and confused. She was just at the River and now she was here. Suddenly distant screams from upstream filled the air and clouds of pink smoke but she could not see anything. She looked around for something to use to help direct the boat but nothing was available. "Help..." she yelled. "I need help..." she yelled again. "Waverly, Wynonna?" She continued drifting. "I was helping and then I..." she began to murmur. As she looked down, she found that her civic attire was no longer but now she wore a white sweatshirt and jeans. Suddenly the screams grew louder, she looked back...nothing. There was nothing there. Immediately she heard a familiar voice.
"Nicole?" a man yelled.
"Paul, I can't find her." A woman responded.
"Nic" he screamed one last time before it sounded like he was cut off followed by a woman's scream.
"I'M HERE!" She yelled but more screams began to drown hers out. As fear overwhelmed her, causing her breath to increase. "PLEASE, ANYBODY?" she screamed. Nobody was there. Nicole's eyes grew fearful, immediately she began to fall into a fetal position like a small child and cry. "Somebody!" She whispered. "Please...Aunt Eleanor, Uncle Paul."
After a few minutes, the rowboat slowed to a stop. She slowly lifted to find a young Nedley pulling the boat more onto the grass.
"Hey, sweetheart, I'm Deputy Sheriff Nedley. I'm here to help you. "he then grabbed his walkie. "Ward, I found a little girl, she seems to be alright but she's definitely from the concert visitors." He announced helping Nicole stand with his other hand. "Now take your time, that's it," he said as Nicole stepped out of the rowboat onto the grass.
"Nedley?" She whispered.
"That's right." He said looking down at this name patch. "I'm Deputy Sheriff Nedley and I'm here to help you, but first, do you have a name?"
"It's Nicole. Nicole Haught."
"Well Nicole, let's get you some help, ok?"
"Yeah, help." She said childlike.

Nedleys Bar and Grill (formerly Shorty's):
"So where is your better half, Jeremy?" Doc asked.
"Ah...Bunny is throwing an anti-Earp party and he said that at least someone should show up, so he's there..."
"Ah silly Bunny, did someone forget trix's are for kids," Wynonna added.
"Well, I've found that success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." Doc added.
"That's very wise," Billy added.
"Yea, it was when Bill Gates said it first too." Jeremy corrected.
"Doesn't matter where I got it. It's still truthful." Doc replied.
"Hey, Doc, we need four rude sarsaparillas," Nedley called out.
"Four coming up," Doc replied leaving.
"Hey Wynonna, do you mind, if we talk?" Jeremy asked.
"Sure, Jere." She replied walking away with Jeremy.
"This is pretty amazing." Jeremy added "all of this. All that everyone has done to get us here."
"So why do I feel like there is a BBD size BUT coming."
"As you know, The Ghost River Triangle is now reformed and protected. Therefore, BBD hasn't had any paranormal events that warrant our attention. We've been focusing on implementing this same approach to other "unique" areas. This is why I've been asked to offer you a position as Special Agent and Opps Leader in another area."
"What? So BBD wants me to their grunt work?"
"We feel as though you, can work to establish this reform at another place that desperately needs attention. Wynonna, just imagine if BBD, didn't have the option of sending nukes to places and removing people but that there were towns and cities where people could model what Purgatory has graciously become."
"So, me taking down the big bads, establishing order?"
"Yes, but without a looming curse, just you, peacemaker, and a team of your choosing implementing the Purgatory model." He replied as Wynonna looked over at Doc who smiled passing drinks. She then looked over at Nicole coming into Nedley's with Alice.
"As much as it sounds nice and I do miss a good revenant death dance. I think I've learned it's time to focus on home and keeping my home going here in Purgatory. Sorry."
"No sorry's here, but the offer is still there, just in case you might get that itch to return to your gun-slinging days," Jeremy replied.
"Jeremy, your orders ready," Rachel announced.
"Let me know," Jeremy added walking away, Wynonna looked over at a poster of Wyatt on the wall standing near the corral.
"At least someone thinks I'm a gunslinger." Wynonna said to herself as Alice hugged her hips."So how was Wyatt park?"
"It was amazing, then I got to ride in the cop car with Aunt Nicole."
"Back seat?" Wynonna added.
"Of course," Alice said with a grin.
"So proud," Wynonna added.
"And she put the siren on."
"Nicole Haught, you...sly fox. I told Waverly, you had it in you." Wynonna added.
"You told me what about what?" Waverly replied coming over.
"My daughter was apprehended by the Sheriff and rode with sirens on."
"Really?" Waverly added looking at Nicole confused. "But you said you would never..."
"Sorry, the kid wanted it," Nicole replied. "If you'll excuse me," Nicole said leaving.
"Hey, darlin' can you get some fries from Nedley?" Wynonna asked.
"Sure." Alice said leaving.
"So, are we ready?"
"As I'll ever be," Waverly added.
"Aunt Wynonna or Aunty Why, I'm trying to figure out which one I prefer," Wynonna added as Waverly grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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